go to post Guillaume Rongier · Mar 17, 2023 nc -z -v localhost 1972 Use netcat, it will tell you if the port is open, if not then it's may be because superserver is not ready
go to post Guillaume Rongier · Mar 13, 2023 Thank for the feedback. I think I will continue to use my sunglasses to check the community at night for a while
go to post Guillaume Rongier · Mar 10, 2023 Hi @Raj Singh , it does support float even is the readme is not up to date. If you are looking for an objectscript / embedded python approach Alex Woodhead solution will fit you well. If you are looking for an python only approach my module may help you.
go to post Guillaume Rongier · Mar 9, 2023 You are welcome. And I'm very happy that you find this trick useful. :)
go to post Guillaume Rongier · Mar 2, 2023 have you tired this python module ? pip3 install iris-dollar-list it can convert $list to python list.
go to post Guillaume Rongier · Feb 23, 2023 Sure you can, for example to retrieve all the patient with an observation based on the code : 8302-2 [FHIR EndPoint]/Patient?_has:Observation:patient:code=8302-2 More info here : https://www.hl7.org/fhir/search.html#has For the python part have a look at this git : https://github.com/LucasEnard/fhir-client-python It's a simple example how to use python client to interact with a FHIR server. For fhir-py to create the same query use raw search : https://github.com/grongierisc/fhir-py#raw-parameters Last but not least, check out our neat implementation of SQL On FHIR aka FHIR SQL Builder Demo here : https://github.com/grongierisc/iris-fhirsqlbuilder
go to post Guillaume Rongier · Feb 13, 2023 How to setup a secure connection : Generate a key pair : openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 1 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj /CN=* -keyout /irisdev/app/server.key -out /irisdev/app/server.crt Configure IRIS super server with SSL/TLS : https://docs.intersystems.com/iris20223/csp/docbook/Doc.View.cls?KEY=GTL... Use certificate to connect : python3 -m irissqlcli iris://SuperUser:SYS@localhost:33782/USER -c server.crt
go to post Guillaume Rongier · Feb 13, 2023 If I understand correctly, the trick is to load the "src/gbl/SYS.xml" file that holds the configuration of git-source-control module. If we create a new file like a BP or a DTL, we still have to add it to the source control module with the UI. Then, if we do so, we have to update the "src/gbl/SYS.xml" file with the new file. Am I right ?
go to post Guillaume Rongier · Feb 13, 2023 Great post thanks. If you want to go further check this git : https://github.com/grongierisc/kong-ee-training
go to post Guillaume Rongier · Feb 6, 2023 I'm not tottaly agree with you. Imagine you are new to iris, you just wish to play with our SQL engine. With your proposal, you have to know how to connect to a terminal and know the magic command (zzq, BTW i was not aware of this one) to run a query. Then, you can't do that remotely or with out SSH. To finish, with your example, you don't show us how to do it from a Shell.
go to post Guillaume Rongier · Feb 6, 2023 In my point of view, this app is a game changer. Let me explain why. Imagine you have an DDL statement that you want to execute on a database. Example: File: misc/init.sql CREATE TABLE test.formation ( name varchar(50) NULL, room varchar(50) NULL ); INSERT INTO test.formation (name, room) VALUES('formation1', 'salle1'); You can execute this statement in the irissqlcli app by using the following command: irissqlcli iris://_SYSTEM@localhost:51776/USER -W < misc/init.sql Before this app, you had to use the terminal to execute this command. cat <<EOF | iris session iris do \$SYSTEM.SQL.Schema.ImportDDL("/irisdev/app/misc/init.sql",.log) if log'="" { write "Error: ",log } h EOF Let's compare the two commands: tool command comment irissqlcli irissqlcli iris://_SYSTEM@localhost:51776/USER -W < misc/init.sql One line, easy to read, eeasy to maintaine terminal cat <<EOF \| iris session iris <br> do \$SYSTEM.SQL.Schema.ImportDDL("/irisdev/app/misc/init.sql",.log) <br>if log'="" { write "Error: ",log } <br>h <br>EOF multiple line, arkward to read, hard to maintain, must understand the syntax of the terminal, had to be on the same machine One last thing, if I want to extract the data from a table, I can use the following command: irissqlcli iris://_SYSTEM@localhost:51776/USER -W -e "SELECT * FROM test.formation" --csv This command will return the following result: "name","room" "formation1","salle1" Try to do the same thing with the terminal ;). cat <<EOF | iris session iris do ##class(%SQL.Statement).%ExecDirect(,"SELECT * FROM test.formation").%DisplayFormatted("CSV",,,.filesUsed) do ##class(%Stream.FileCharacter).%OpenId(filesUsed(1)).OutputToDevice() h EOF
go to post Guillaume Rongier · Feb 3, 2023 Cool, this can be really useful while waiting for OpenTelemetry and SAM. The big advantage of this, is that you don't need other tool/server/docker.
go to post Guillaume Rongier · Feb 2, 2023 Wow, easy to use (nice UI) and powerful in it's usage (spec first on OpenAPI 3.0) !
go to post Guillaume Rongier · Jan 30, 2023 Hi Yuri, I confirm this issue, I do encounter the same. intersystemsdc/iris-community:preview, solve it.
go to post Guillaume Rongier · Jan 23, 2023 Hi dear community, If you lack inspiration for the contest, here are some ideas: A tool to improve the load of DDL or SQL statements in IRIS. Why, because for now, we have to run an iris terminal then run an objectscritp command to load the DDL or SQL statements. I wish a way that we can have a tool that bring the ability to parse a DDL or SQL file from a shell. Example : iris load -f /path/to/file.sql A tool to automatically export objectscript classes to the local folder I know we can do it with Timothy's tool, but I wish a simple hook that just export new classes or modified classes to the local folder. Not the whole source control system.
go to post Guillaume Rongier · Jan 20, 2023 Class codeGolf.Pyramid { ClassMethod BuildPython(f As %Integer) [ Language = python ] { for i in range(f): print(' ' * (f - i - 1) + '#' * (2 * i + 1)) } /// Description: Build a pyramid of height f ClassMethod Build(f As %Integer) As %Status { Set sc = $$$OK For i = 1:1:f { set space = $tr($j("",f-i)," "," ") set hash = $tr($j("",2*i-1)," ","#") Write space_hash, ! } Return sc } }
go to post Guillaume Rongier · Jan 16, 2023 Hi Joe, The 2 dots syntax is used to access the properties and methods of the current object. You can also use $this to access the current object. For example, if you have a class called "MyClass" and you have a property called "MyProperty" in that class, you can access the property value by using the following syntax: User.MyClass Extends EnsLib.BusinessService { Property MyProperty; Method MyMethod() { set ..MyProperty = 10; set $this.MyProperty = 10; } } In your case, you can use the following syntax to access the methods of the EnsLib.File.InboundAdapter class: User.MyClass Extends EnsLib.BusinessService { Parameter ADAPTER = "EnsLib.File.InboundAdapter"; Property Adapter = "EnsLib.File.InboundAdapter"; Method MyMethod() { do ..Adapter.AdapterMethod() do $this.Adapter.AdapterMethod() } } Hope this helps.
go to post Guillaume Rongier · Jan 16, 2023 My guess is that you try to use some outdated nativeapi drivers. https://github.com/intersystems/quickstarts-multimodel-python <- outdate more than 3 years old I encourage you to use this git for drivers : https://github.com/intersystems-community/iris-driver-distribution If you are looking for python expérience on IRIS have a look at those git : https://github.com/grongierisc/iris-devslam https://github.com/intersystems-community/iris-embedded-python-template https://github.com/grongierisc/iris-python-flask-api-template https://github.com/grongierisc/iris-python-template BTW : a more complete DB-API and SQL Alchemy support is under development
go to post Guillaume Rongier · Dec 20, 2022 What do you mean by remove any dependencies whitout removing PWS ? I don't know if removing PWS will be the definitive answer. If I understand correctly, you want to make it disable by default, and enable it only when you need it. For example with the iris.cpf file. [Startup] WebServer=1 WebServerPort=52773
go to post Guillaume Rongier · Dec 20, 2022 I would like to add the presentation of IRIS and Python that I did at the last IRIS Community Day. Here is the link to the power point. PythonEtIRIS.pptx