go to post John Murray · Jul 24, 2017 I'm not having much success finding docs for $system.CLShttp://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=... says:but no mention of CLS. Nor does the %SYSTEM package contain a CLS class in the same way as it contains the ones listed above.
go to post John Murray · Jul 20, 2017 CHARWIN might be useful. But if you're extending an existing terminal-based application you may want to work the way the existing code does. And if you're starting a new application, is a terminal-based UI still the right way to be going?
go to post John Murray · Jul 18, 2017 Rubens, your rule #2 says " Argument index starts from 0" but in your example the index starts at 1.
go to post John Murray · Jul 17, 2017 Take care that you don't unintentionally kill globals that may be visible in this namespace because of global mappings.
go to post John Murray · Jul 3, 2017 Mike, I have re-tagged your post so it appears on the main DC feed. The Developer Community tag and the Developer Community FAQ group are primarily intended for discussion of this DC forum itself.
go to post John Murray · Jul 3, 2017 If you are working directly with globals (as your example seems to imply) you will have to iterate appropriately through your global, test the relevant value, and kill any node that matches.Be sure that you also understand that a KILL will delete any subtree of the node you kill.To efficiently maintain the sort of uniqueness you seem to be describing (i.e. for any Y there must be no more than one X for which $list(^myglobal(X))=Y) you will probably need to maintain a cross-reference (a.k.a. index) such as ^myglobalX("index1",Y)=X and check for the existence of a record here before saving a new record.
go to post John Murray · Jul 3, 2017 Here's a way of discovering if your license includes the iKnow feature:USER>w $system.License.GetFeature(11)1USER>A return value of 1 indicates that you are licensed for iKnow. If the result is 0 then your license does not include iKnow.See here for documentation about this method, which tells you that 11 is the feature number for iKnow.Regarding namespaces, these are created in Portal, not in Studio. See this documentation.
go to post John Murray · Jun 27, 2017 Gigi, you tagged your question "Developer Community", but I think that's primarily intended for posts about DC itself. Using one or more of the Ensemble-related subtags, e.g "HL7", might help your post.
go to post John Murray · Jun 26, 2017 Jeffrey, is your answer still accessible to you from your "My Account" page?When I look at your page's "Answers" tab the first (i.e. most recent one) points here:https://community.intersystems.com/post/overwrite-file#node-433196Since I'm a DC moderator it may be the case that I can see it but you (or other ordinary members) can't.
go to post John Murray · Jun 21, 2017 In Cache ObjectScript p_Branch isn't a valid identifier, because the underscore character is used as the concatenation operator.Does your attempt work if you change p_Branch to pBranch ?If not, please show us your SQL in its complete context.
go to post John Murray · Jun 19, 2017 Coty, judging by the update you made here (where you originally raised this question as a comment one another post), for you the term "whole project" means "everything in a namespace". You have discovered that SET sc= $SYSTEM.OBJ.ExportAllClasses(filename) does what you want.For many of us the word "project" refers to a Studio feature that allows us to group a subset of a namespace's code.Studio projects can be manipulated programmatically using the %Studio.Project class.
go to post John Murray · Jun 16, 2017 Then it definitely sounds like you need to rebuild indices. After doing that, please test again without %IGNOREINDICES and let us know if the results are correct. Then test again after your application has updated records for a while. If the difference appears again, either there's a bug that InterSystems needs to know about, or perhaps your app is updating globals directly using COS commands (i.e. not via Objects or SQL).What is your $ZVERSION value? Perhaps you are running a version with a known problem in the area of index maintenance.
go to post John Murray · Jun 16, 2017 That's good to hear Ranjith. So now please set the checkmark against Vitaliy's original answer. Only you are able to do this. It will mark the question as "answered".
go to post John Murray · Jun 15, 2017 Caché telnet service exists only on Windows. On other platforms would you rely on OS-level telnet service? Nowadays on UNIX/Linux it's uncommon to find telnet, and ssh is typical instead.If there's a concern about passwords travelling in plaintext, remember Caché telnet service can be configured to accept telnet over SSL/TLS.
go to post John Murray · Jun 15, 2017 Vitaliy's answer pointed you to a classmethod that does the job. Sounds like maybe you're not sure how to invoke classmethods in Caché ObjectScript, so here's a transcript from a quick test run I did in Terminal: USER>set bSame=##class(%Library.File).Compare("c:\s\junk.txt","c:\s\junk2.txt") USER>write bSame 0 USER>set bSame=##class(%Library.File).Compare("c:\s\junk.txt","c:\s\junk.txt") USER>write bSame 1 USER>w $zv Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2017.1.1 (Build 111U) Wed May 17 2017 15:34:56 EDT USER> If Vitaliy's answer meets your needs please set the checkmark alonngside its title line.
go to post John Murray · Jun 14, 2017 Gevorg, you can give Vitaliy credit for the answer by clicking the checkmark alongside the answer header:This will also mark your question as "answered".
go to post John Murray · Jun 14, 2017 If you can access WRC Direct at https://wrc.intersystems.com then it looks like there's a link to a page that might do what you want:The footer on the page this leads to implies that any changes you make here will affect Developer Community:Yes, it refers to Developer Connection not Developer Community, but I think that was a sort of predecessor.
go to post John Murray · Jun 13, 2017 If you have Serenji you can combine the Serenji Shell with the CSP Shell and avoid having to remember how to use BREAK and ZBREAK commands:Serenji can also debug pages initiated from the web browser.