go to post John Murray · May 31, 2017 Do you mean Apache JMeter ?I have no personal experience with it, but when reading the homepage info (see link above) I didn't see anything that made me think it couldn't be pointed at Ensemble and do something.What part(s) of Ensemble are you hoping to test?
go to post John Murray · May 30, 2017 Passing parameters to a routine requires the line label in the routine to have a formal parameter list. The SECURITY routine in the %SYS namespace doesn't accept parameters in this way.
go to post John Murray · May 30, 2017 Without more information from the OP, the answer is "we don't know".
go to post John Murray · May 19, 2017 My guess is that the OP is working on a Caché system that supports the U2 language mode. Seeing the $ZVERSION string should tell us.
go to post John Murray · May 18, 2017 The answers to this previous question of yours show indirection at work.On all your questions, please remember to set the checkmark alongside an answer as a way of indicating that you accept it.
go to post John Murray · May 18, 2017 Ponnumani, have you yet discovered the Search facility in Developer Community?Granted, DC's search powers aren't brilliant yet. But I reckon that if you had searched for 'angular' (no quotes) before you posted you'd have found the first of @Chris Stewart's series of articles as entry #3 in the search results.
go to post John Murray · May 18, 2017 In my opinion your method for ensuring the root node gets counted is already elegant, though perhaps worthy of a comment if you're writing it in a routine/method rather than issuing in at the command prompt.
go to post John Murray · May 17, 2017 It can be done, but since all the SAMPLES code targets Caché and none of it uses the Ensemble features, why would you?The Ensemble equivalent of SAMPLES is ENSDEMO.
go to post John Murray · May 16, 2017 Shobha, presumably it wasn't deliberate that you seem to have posted this same question five times. Did you know that as the OP you can use the "Edit" tab, which contains an "Unpublish" button? That would let you remove the duplicates.
go to post John Murray · May 15, 2017 As I understand it, the SU variant of the software is what's installed when you download from this page:http://www.intersystems.com/library/software-downloads/And as your error message states, this variant is barred from using a cache.key file to unlock further features.I think you'll need a different software kit. AFAIK you'll be able to "upgrade" your current SU installation in situ without losing anything (provided you've followed the rules about how to name any of your own code that you store in %SYS).Those of us with support accounts can download software kits via WRC Direct. But assuming you don't have such an account yet, the InterSystems folk who provided you with the evaluation key are probably the best ones to ask about how to get hold of the software kit you need.
go to post John Murray · May 15, 2017 Thanks for this writeup Sean. I also recommend the following page containing a good summary:https://isc.sans.edu/forums/diary/WannaCryWannaCrypt+Ransomware+Summary/...
go to post John Murray · May 15, 2017 Ponnumani, if my reply above is sufficient for you please click the checkmark alongside its header. This marks the answer as accepted. Not sure which checkmark I mean? Below is an annotated screenshot:
go to post John Murray · May 14, 2017 Consult the product information here and the documentation here.
go to post John Murray · May 12, 2017 Can you show us the code of your while loop, in case DC members can suggest performance improvements?
go to post John Murray · May 12, 2017 Per this article of mine, it's unwise to expose the value of %session.Key
go to post John Murray · May 12, 2017 Sean, I assume the </h1> tags are supposed to be </h2>And if any of the ZWRITE output includes the string </pre> then all bets are off, right?
go to post John Murray · May 11, 2017 Have you considered implementing a Caché source code management tool such as Deltanji from George James Software, for whom I work? A Deltanji workflow can propagate code from one namespace to another, and can also propagate deletions. In other words, if you decommission a class in DEV, then propagate the now-decommissioned code object to TEST, the class will be deleted from TEST.
go to post John Murray · May 11, 2017 If you don't mind working a the global level, here's a way of enumerating the classes that are stored in the default code database of a namespace: USER>s namespace="%SYS" USER>s impliedNamespace="^"_##class(%SYS.Namespace).GetGlobalDest(namespace,"^oddDEF") USER>w impliedNamespace ^^c:\intersystems\ens171\mgr\ USER>s className="" f s className=$o(^|impliedNamespace|oddDEF(className)) q:className="" w !,className
go to post John Murray · May 10, 2017 The page at https://download.intersystems.com/download/atelier.csp tells you how you can obtain the 1.1 beta provided you are using Atelier as an Eclipse plugin rather than as a standalone Eclipse-based application.I don't know if the current 1.1 beta fixes this issue, nor if it will require a version of Caché greater that the current 2017.1 release in order to solve it (or indeed to work at all).