· Oct 17, 2018
SQLGateWay performance.

I have a ZEN page with nine tablepanes. Each tablepane queries a table in the same SQLServer db. I have a single SQLGateWay(odbc) to this SQLServer db. I need to get better performance when I query all nine table at the same time. Would my performance improve if I had nine SQLGateWays(nine odbc configurations/connections), one for each query? I would appreciate any and all suggestions for getting the very best performance when using SQLGateWays. Thank you.

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· Jun 4, 2018
link component on a ZEN page

When using the link component on a ZEN page the default behavior is for the link to appear to the right of the tablepane row. Has anybody changed this behavior so the link appears to the left of the tablepane row? Thank you in advance for any and all feedback.

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· May 24, 2018
image tab

Good afternoon, I have a tabGroup where I populate tabs with images using the scr property. If a user scrolls to the bottom of the image on a tab, when they go to the next tab, they are also at the bottom. When moving between tabs, I would like the user to always be presented with the top of the tab content. I have not been unsuccessful in doing this. Would someone have input on how to make this happen? Thank you in advance for any and all feedback.

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I have a list of files on disk.
Each record is the fully qualified UNC path and filename.
I would like to send these files to the end users default printer as a document.
I have attempted to build a html page using document.write statements and print using printWindow.print(); command.

I think there must be a better way to send a series of files to the windows print spooler.
I would welcome any and all input.

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Good morning, I have a ZEN application being served up through a CSPGateWay. That ZEN application is made up of two ZEN pages. One ZEN page uses a zenLink to call the other ZEN page(see below #1). The ZEN page that is called contains a tab group with one tab. That tab contains a tif image. I have components on the called ZEN page that execute JavaScript to perform simple image manipulations - zoom and rotate(see below #2). Those simple image manipulations have stopped working.

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I have a ZEN page with buttons, text boxes and a tab group. The tab group contains a single tab which I use to display an image(src). When the user, uses the browser zoom capabilities to reduce or enlarge the image, the other controls are reduced or enlarged as well. How can I reduce or enlarge the tab src alone? Thank you for any and all input.

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0 394

Good morning, I am using a tableNavigatorBar on a tablepane. I want to execute the onselectrow method of the tablepane each time the tableNavigatorBar is used to proceed to a tablepane record. Has anyone connected these two component in this way before? Thank you for any hints, input and/or comments.

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Good afternoon, I have working prototypes of each of these approaches. I do not have an expansive cache background.

I have a couple of projects where I am ingesting files from disk.

The name of the file contains a lot of the information I will need to reference the file in the future.

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Good afternoon, I have image files stored on disk. I would like to display those images in an <image> control as the end user clicks on rows in a tablepane. I already do this with image data stored in a cache database:

s imageComp = %page.%GetComponentById("ImgTab"_tLdCnt)
s imageComp.disabled=0
s tId=rsId.Get("ID")
s tPageObj=##class(My.PageObj).%OpenId(tId)
s oid=tPageObj.ImageBLOB.%Oid()
s encryptedOid=..Encrypt(oid)
s imageComp.src="%25CSP.StreamServer.cls?STREAMOID="_encryptedOid

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