· May 23, 2016

Execute tablepane onselectrow from tableNavigatorBar action.

Good morning, I am using a tableNavigatorBar on a tablepane. I want to execute the onselectrow method of the tablepane each time the tableNavigatorBar is used to proceed to a tablepane record. Has anyone connected these two component in this way before? Thank you for any hints, input and/or comments.

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The rows of the tablepane represent a document. Each row in the tablepane is a reference to an image file. When the user selects a row the image is rendered. When the number of tablepane rows(pages in a document) are large, this navigation becomes cumbersome. Hiding the tablepane and using the tableNavigatorBar would be a simple and compact way to traverse the pages.

The rows of the tablepane represent a document. Each row in the tablepane is a reference to an image file. When the user selects a row the image is rendered. When the number of tablepane rows(pages in a document) are large, this navigation becomes cumbersome. Hiding the tablepane and using the tableNavigatorBar would be a simple and compact way to traverse the pages.