Question Ciaran Mooney · Jun 10, 2022 How to Copy NTE and append segments HL7 ensemble Hi , We have inbound HL7 message we want to transform. Is it possible to copy inbound NTE segments at ORC level to PID group level in the transformed messages? I see functions for insert / append / set etc but they appear to be related to specific properties / fields of segments as iodised to the entire segment. thanks #HL7 #Ensemble 0 6 1 850
Question Ciaran Mooney · Mar 12, 2020 Database connection error in GUI cache2017 Hi All When performing an update transaction on patient data in GUI Apex 5.8 cache2017, we randomly get a ‘Database Connection Lost’ error. Subsequently the application quits and the incomplete transaction is rolled back. We have confined its not a network issue as we can still query the database using CHUI Apex when these events occur. so any input appreciated. #Database Transaction Processing #Caché 0 1 0 304
Question Ciaran Mooney · Sep 22, 2018 Invalid ownership starting Cache on Mac OS Hi,I am trying to start cache form the Terminal window and I get the following error:$ csession cacheInvalid ownership for ./cacheHowever looking at the permissions it appears I do have execution rights:-r-xr-xr-x@ 1 root cacheusr 24616 18 Sep 22:16 csession #System Administration #Caché 0 1 0 973
Question Ciaran Mooney · Sep 22, 2018 How to open Cache studio on Mac OS Hi,I am running terminal on Cache on a Mac High Sierria and going through the ObjectSript tutorials.However there is no instruction on the Intersystems website as to how to open Studio.Does anyone know how this is done?Thanks #Caché #Studio 0 11 1 1.5K
Question Ciaran Mooney · Sep 20, 2018 How to Open Terminal In Caché Mac OS HI,I am a newbie so excuse my basic questions.I have installed Caché on Mac Os High Sierra 10.13.6 and have started the ObjectScript tutorial but I cannot open Terminal in Caché.The instructions provided on the tutorial don't appear to be for Mac OS as there is no cube icon: #Caché #Terminal #ObjectScript 0 10 0 1K