If MLLP had already been in use, what change was made to prevent the "discarding received non-HL7 data" messages? Does that give any clue to what is happening with those particular messages?

Perhaps you could try enabling "Log Trace Events" which might tell you more about what step in the processing is getting stuck.

What is the process for handling these messages manually, and how does it differ from normal processing?

Those are the other kinds of things I would look at, though looking at the specific messages that trigger this issue is definitely a good step. I would definitely be interested in an update once you've figured this out.

Hey Jonathan,

Perhaps you've already seen them, but I'd check out these posts regarding VS Code and Atelier/Studio.



VS Code is being worked on/developed but has not yet reached an official InterSystems 1.0 release; my bet is when it has reached a threshold of completeness it will find its way into the documentation. If you want to try out VS Code to get familiar with it and contribute to its development, that seems like a totally viable option.

Re: Atelier/Studio in the meantime, per Andreas' comment you can keep using either as they will be maintained indefinitely, they just won't see enhancements.

Yes, probably WRC would be the next step.

I tested on HealthShare Health Connect so I did not have the MPRL resources, but I tried making a user with R/W database permissions and just the resources you listed and was able to navigate from the SMP home page to the production page. I did get a <PROTECT> error so there's probably something still missing, but I got further than you seem to be able to.

Hey Jeff,

I wrote up a quick sample that doesn't get quite what you wanted, but I think it's close enough that you'll be able to take it from there. If not, feel free to ask further.

My sample reverses the first FT1grps and leaves the last one in the final slot.

First I used * to get the count: Counting Fields

If you wanted to implement some more complex logic you could potentially do it here. Alternatively, you might want to write a custom utility function to perform the chunking and reversal. This keeps your code more compartmentalized and keeps too much from sitting in the DTL itself.

Defining Custom Utility Functions

Hi Oliver,

Is your intent to have multiple productions in containers trying to pull the same types of files from the same directory to split the load? It sounds like you're not able to pull from different file paths, but would setting different FileSpecs be an option?

Perhaps setting different WorkPaths would be helpful, so that the file service(s) will move the file to another directory while processing.

Another possibility would be to have one production with a file service with a pool size >1 that routes to the various other productions.

Hi Scott,

When I try and save a rule set with improper syntax it ends up saving but not compiling, which also removes the existing int code. The problem is "caught" in that a warning is shown, though it doesn't prevent you from proceeding. My guess at the rationale would be to not blow away any incomplete work - it would be a bit of an odd restriction if you could only save a rule set if the code was valid. When the compile fails the existing compiled code is removed, so the rule set is unusable.

Hello István,

You can find in the docs the following:

Using the Task Manager

"If the chosen user is disabled, the task is suspended until the user is enabled and the task is resumed manually. This does not apply to built-in System tasks, which run even when the chosen user is disabled."

While the system tasks will still work while assigned to run as the disabled _SYSTEM user, it might be a good idea to set them to another user with similar permissions for clarity's sake.

The necessary resources for a task are totally dependent on what the task needs to do.

The other commenters have good suggestions but I would recommend additionally collecting a pButtons to compare. Try and determine if there are any differences other than OS - hardware, memory configuration, global mappings, or anything else. We want to make sure we're comparing apples to apples! If everything seems to be the same, then you could reach out to the WRC who can help investigate this further.