go to post Vic Sun · Jan 14, 2022 Connor, I'm not sure I understand what you're describing. Are you familiar with InterSystems mirroring? In short, it is a method of keeping two separate instances' data in sync, and can be used for reporting purposes. Do you really need just the deltas, and if so in what way would you be using them?
go to post Vic Sun · Jan 10, 2022 Hello Scott, I think the following doc section "Deploying a Production" is relevant: https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=EGDV_deploying#EGDV_exporting_production "If a production uses XSD schemas for XML documents or uses an old format schema for X12 documents, the schemas are not included in the XML deployment file and have to be deployed through another mechanism. InterSystems IRIS can store X12 schemas in the current format, in an old format, or in both formats. When you create a deployment file, it can contain X12 schemas in the current format, but it does not contain any X12 schemas in the old format or any XSD schemas for XML documents. If your production uses an old format X12 schema or uses any XSD XML schema, you must deploy the schemas independently of deploying the production. For the schemas that are not included in the deployment file, they can be deployed to a target system by either of the following means: If the XML or X12 schema was originally imported from an XSD or SEF file and that file is still available, import the schema on the target system by importing that file. XSD files can be used to import XML schemas and SEF files can be used to import X12 schemas. Export the underlying InterSystems IRIS global that contains the schema and then import this on the target system. To export a global, select System Explorer > Globals, select the desired globals and then select Export. The X12 schemas are stored in the EnsEDI.Description, EnsEDI.Schema, EnsEDI.X12.Description, and EnsEDI.X12.Schema globals. The XML schemas are stored in the EnsEDI.XML.Schema global. See “Exporting Globals” in the Using Globals guide for details on exporting globals."
go to post Vic Sun · Dec 13, 2021 Please see the following page for official InterSystems guidance! https://community.intersystems.com/post/december-13-2021-advisory-vulnerability-apache-log4j2-library-affecting-intersystems-products
go to post Vic Sun · Dec 13, 2021 Please see the following page for official InterSystems guidance!https://community.intersystems.com/post/december-13-2021-advisory-vulnerability-apache-log4j2-library-affecting-intersystems-products
go to post Vic Sun · Nov 30, 2021 The fact that there is a TCP error implies that there's a problem below IRIS , at the networking level. Opening the firewall was a good first step, but can you check other network logs or check the connectivity between the machines in other ways?
go to post Vic Sun · Nov 24, 2021 I'm not sure why this many month old question appeared at the top of the community queue, but can this problem be described more clearly? You can monitor multiple namespaces. How is the monitor incorrect?
go to post Vic Sun · Nov 10, 2021 Omar, What schemas do you need? The ASTM schema structure page is the place to start for existing functionality and importing. https://cedocs.intersystems.com/ens20141/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=EAST_tools#EAST_tools_schema_structures edit: I think you edited your comment to add the message you are seeing. I can see on modern ISC products that E1394 is built-in, not sure about on 2014.1.
go to post Vic Sun · Nov 9, 2021 Ah - I think you might get more help with this from Avaya directly, as probably most people on this forum don't know how their application is set up.
go to post Vic Sun · Nov 9, 2021 Hello Nicola, Pretty open ended question, but perhaps the shortcut reference would be of use to you? Maybe you can elaborate on what you're looking for. https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=GSTD_Commands#GSTD_Commands_Accel Also, I'm sure somebody would mention VS Code if I didn't. That may be a more cozy programming experience for you depending on your background.
go to post Vic Sun · Nov 5, 2021 I think the Ens.Util.Statistics EnumerateHostStatus query may be what you're looking for: https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/documatic/%25CSP.Documatic.cls?&LIBRARY=ENSLIB&PRIVATE=1&CLASSNAME=Ens.Util.Statistics For a TCP component, the AdapterState will tell you if there is a connection or not.
go to post Vic Sun · Nov 3, 2021 I'd look at the other logs on the system. That error indicates that a job can't be spawned, so the question would be why? Maybe the performance problem is rooted in that same reason. edit: you may want to consider opening a WRC case for this if you can't find evidence of a problem.
go to post Vic Sun · Oct 26, 2021 Hello all, I just wanted to emphasize this point by Robert, which I think is the most critical. Studio is not a real terminal. I understand it can be convenient to test small bits of code in the Studio window, but I would not expect everything to work.
go to post Vic Sun · Oct 25, 2021 This isn't a topic I'm super familiar with, it probably depends on what you plan on doing with the messages. The following docs might be helpful? https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=PAGE_interop_vdoc If you're having throughput issues and suspect it is related to the service you're using (is there a particular reason you think that's the problem?), do you have a test environment where you can compare the 2 services?
go to post Vic Sun · Oct 19, 2021 Michael, What's the use case? You might be able to design something with SQL triggers but that feels ripe for complications. You can find people discussing this kind of solution (using triggers) for other databases online, and from what I can tell people generally agree this is a messy option. If the idea is that people are accidentally executing improper SQL commands, perhaps I would tackle this from a training perspective, or by restricting SQL commands to a more limited audience.
go to post Vic Sun · Oct 18, 2021 Hello Michael, If the Ensemble log reports an arbiter loss of connection, Ensemble doesn't really have more logs that can explain why that happened. These messages are just reporting the underlying condition that Ensemble experiences. Confirming the cause of connection losses is really more a matter of reviewing network/other logging in the environment.
go to post Vic Sun · Oct 13, 2021 Hello Herb, Have you checked the connectivity since the error is a timeout? Can you make an SFTP connection outside of IRIS using a third party application or the command line? You can debug the SSH portion of the connection via: https://community.intersystems.com/post/using-and-debugging-netsshsession-ssh-connections Hope that helps.
go to post Vic Sun · Oct 13, 2021 On top of Robert's answer, I would add - why are you copying from another namespace at all? If you just need the standard interoperability mappings, those get generated from the "enable namespace for Interoperability productions" checkbox. You can't run 2 productions (even if you assign 2 namespaces) from the same databases simultaneously, so I would probably avoid "copy from" in general, particularly because you are trying to use EnsLib code. There are probably specific cases where you might want to copy a namespace from another one, but I'd be cautious and make sure that copying is what you actually want. edit: I am unsure whether using "copy from" on HSSYS is a good idea. Personally, I haven't done that, but I would be concerned that you might have similar issues to copying from %SYS, as HSSYS is a shipped database.
go to post Vic Sun · Sep 28, 2021 Augusto, I'd check if the port is taken by something else. Perhaps the OS logs or the IRIS ^SYSLOG will have entries of note?Maybe you can try restarting the web server to see if you can throw an error?
go to post Vic Sun · Sep 28, 2021 Hello, Additional context on what exactly you need to do would probably be helpful. If this is something critical, I would consider reaching out to the WRC for assistance. Otherwise, the ^JRNRESTO documentation is where I'd start: https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=GCDI_journal#GCDI_journal_util_JRNRESTO You can restore a backup and then choose what subset of journals to restore.