It's a great plugin. Works in server side like Studio IDE. I need to check debug plugging.

I just miss a way to to push my code into a repository (Git, TFS,...) because there is not a copy in my disk folder (like Atelier). To do it, I need to synchronize all my code in Atelier and push into Git.

4.9 over 5

Best regards,

Francisco López

Ok, it was due server port. Now it is connected with the server, but ObjectScript VSCode extension is disabled. Now, I'm not able to compile :(

All previous configuration for ObjectScript VSCode extension was working, and the configuration still in folder configuration and workspace configuration.

Edited: If I disable Serenji, ObjectScript VSCode begin to work

Hi George,

I'm trying to configure Serenji in server and client. In workspace configuration I've got the following code:

"settings": {
        "": "",
        "objectscript.conn.label": "DEV",
        "objectscript.conn.password": "<myPassword>",
        "objectscript.conn.version": 2,
        "": true,
        "objectscript.autoCompile": true,
        "objectscript.autoPreviewXML": true,
        "serenji.servers": {
                "host": "",
                "password": "<myPassword>"

I've replaced IpServer and myPassword for security.

In server I've installed as is explained in

Now, my question is... How to sync the code? I'm not see any menu item or something to do it, maybe I'm not using correctly.

Best regards.

Edited: I've created the worspace and it is trying to connect, but I have the following error:

[trace] stat /
[error] Timed out connecting to Serenji Service at (

 (Real IP is changed)

The server hasn't any firewall that is blocking it. Any idea?