InterSystems Official Timothy Leavitt · Dec 17, 2024 IPM 0.9.0 Released We have released IPM 0.9.0. I previously remarked on some of the history and reasoning here; to summarize, this is a big release for two reasons: it represents a long-overdue reunification of our internal and community-driven work around IRIS-centric ObjectScript package management, and it has some backwards incompatibilities. There are several necessary backwards incompatibilities in our roadmap, and we've lumped them together; this will not be some new norm. #InterSystems Package Manager (IPM) #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health #InterSystems Official Open Exchange app 7 3 0 175
InterSystems Official Timothy Leavitt · Dec 4, 2024 New and Upcoming Embedded Git features It's been a while since I've posted about Embedded Git on the Developer Community, and I'd like to provide an update on the massive amount of work we've done this year and where we're going next. Context If you're building solutions on IRIS and want to use Git, that's great! Just use VSCode with a local git repo and push your changes out to the server - it's that easy. But what if: #Embedded Git #Git #Interoperability #Open Source #Source Control #Studio #VSCode #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems Official #Open Exchange Open Exchange app 6 6 0 247
Announcement Timothy Leavitt · Oct 11, 2024 InterSystems Package Manager (IPM) v0.9.0 Beta InterSystems Package Manager 0.9.0 Beta I am excited to announce the upcoming release of InterSystems® Package Manager (IPM) version 0.9.0. This has possible impact for all users of IPM and we would welcome the community’s feedback prior to release. #InterSystems Package Manager (IPM) #InterSystems IRIS 6 7 1 212
InterSystems Official Timothy Leavitt · Nov 29, 2023 Introducing the Upgrade Impact Checklist We are excited to announce a new part of InterSystems documentation that makes it easier to upgrade InterSystems IRIS® data platform, InterSystems IRIS® for Health™, or HealthShare® Health Connect. The Upgrade Impact Checklist at shows you all the things you need to consider – and only the things you need to consider – in an upgrade between any two versions. #System Administration #Documentation #Health Connect #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health #InterSystems Official 18 8 3 588
Announcement Timothy Leavitt · Jun 27, 2022 Accelerate your IRIS full-stack application development with three new Open Exchange packages (+ a demo) Hello community, I'd like to briefly announce three new packages, available on the Open Exchange / through ZPM, that can really help accelerate modern full-stack application development on IRIS. I announced all of these in a Global Summit session last week, but you may have missed it - and I hear there's a full-stack application development contest coming up! #Angular #JSON #REST API #UI Development #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 5 1 1 373
Announcement Timothy Leavitt · Nov 8, 2021 Git for Shared Development Environments If you're building solutions on IRIS and want to use Git, that's great! Just use VSCode with a local git repo and push your changes out to the server - it's that easy. But what if: #Best Practices #Embedded Git #Git #GitHub #Interoperability #InterSystems Package Manager (IPM) #Open Source #VSCode #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health Open Exchange app 18 50 14 4.6K
Announcement Timothy Leavitt · Oct 28, 2021 Summit Sessions - Git/GitLab and Package Manager Advanced Topics I'd like to bring your attention to my two Virtual Summit sessions, even though they're not HALF as cool as Embedded Python. #Git #GitHub #InterSystems Package Manager (IPM) #Open Source #InterSystems IRIS 2 2 0 273