· Sep 22, 2016 3m read
Windows write caching

(This article was reviewed in February 2021. It is still relevant to Caché-based installations and similarly applies to IRIS-based installations.)

This article discusses the Windows write caching setting which can leave systems vulnerable to data loss or corruption in the event of power loss or operating system crash. The setting is on by default in some Windows configurations.

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It has been noticed that some customers running JAVA programs (for example, FOP) on AIX would see the server eventually running low then out of memory. Customer would notice the system pages heavily and user experience becomes bad. And the server would crash when out of memory.

When the problem happens, we can see in ipcs a lot of shared memory segment marked for deletion (Capital D at the beginning of MODE section). This means they will not disappear until the last process attached to the segment detaches it.

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· Oct 27, 2016 2m read
New WRC Customer Interface

New WRC Customer Interface

Come check out the new WRC interface we have made available to supported customer.

Some of the new features available to you are:

Organization Dashboard – gives an overview of your organizations activity for this year

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· Jul 15, 2016 5m read
Zinsert and friends: Coding in terminal

While Studio and Atelier are useful development interfaces, there are occasionally situations where a quick edit needs to be made to code and only terminal access is available. A useful set of tools to do this are the zload, zprint, zinsert, zremove, and zsave commands. These are abbreviated to zl, zp, zi, zr, and zs respectively. While each of these commands has its own page in documentation, this article will synthesize that information with examples to provide instruction for their combined use.

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