In Cache WIndows environment:

Trying to use the $SYSTEM.SQL.DDLImport to import XML File that has ClassMethods, no SQL Table, but it doesn't appear to be working. I can use this ClassMethod to create SQL Tables. The manual method I have been using is to go into Cache Management Portal, Classes, Import.

I create an XML file first, then run the following to import but get no errors. Any ideas?

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Hi Cache team, I am in the need of listing all the user defined schemas that are present my Cache db and also the user defined tables and views and Columns of those tables and views through Queries. So that I can write some JDBC code to run the queries and fetch the above metadata. Any help is appreciated.

Thanks in Advance,

Kranthi kiran.

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I noticed when creating Record Map's within Ensemble that it is creating a Persistent cache table as it translates the file and puts it into the Record Map data structure.

I was wondering if there was a way to add a column to the cache table that is Hidden from the record map, but is a calculated date value on when that record was inserted?

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I know that 1-1 relationships are not officialy supported by intersystems cache/iris so I want to know the best way to store data with this kind of data model.

Currently I have two classes that where implemented some time ago:

Table A with a relationship type one on table B

Table B with a relationship type one on table A

To compile I have a double compile with qualifyer U.

What is the best way to implement a data model with 1-1 relationships?

Thank you

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I have a persistent class where I am logging each CCDA I receive. I want to store all of the providers associated to that CCDA (many to one). In a relational database, I would have a child table with a foreign key to the primary table. I'm guessing the equivalent to Cache would be

1. Create a custom class (ProviderList) with the properties I want to store.

2. Add the class as a property of my CCDA persistent class.

Property Providers as Array of ProviderList (SQLProjection = "table/column";

Am I on the right track?

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