
Is there a single ObjectScript operator or method to concatenate two %DynamicArrays?

I'm looking for something that will do the following:

set arr1 = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
set arr2 = [ 4, 5, 6 ]
set arrcombined = arr1.%Concatenate(arr2)


set arrcombined arr1_arr2

With end result:

zw arrcombined
arr1=[1,2,3,4,5,6]  ; <DYNAMIC ARRAY>

I can iterate and %Pop over the 2nd array and %Push each popped entry to the 1st array, but I was looking for something more succinct.

Thanks in advance.

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Hello everyone! This is my first post into the developer community and one that I hope is fairly simple to answer. In our environment we currently have 3 different Test environments for testing before migrating code to our Prod environment. Currently we are working on establishing a source control method using Git in house which has been a bit of a struggle. We have also had developers that had used different test and migration methods in the past which has caused some issues with keeping the different test environment in sync.

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As part of a migration project from a bunch of java classes to IRIS, we need to maintain a few jar files due to some external dependencies.

The problem I am seeing is that I cannot pass a byte array ( byte[] ) from ObjectScript to the Java Class. I have tried a number of different ways

I have reproduced in a java class and Objectscript class:
Java Class:

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