Hi Everyone!

New session recording from Global Summit 2018 is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Advanced Cloud Provisioning & Deployment

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Has anyone worked out a way to use LDAP to define the default namespace on multiple servers? I know that documentation says that intersystems-Namespace-xxx only supports one namespace, but how is this useful? Any workaround to say have intersystems-Namespace-server1-namespaceA and intersystems-Namespace-server2-namespaceB? Is it best practice to use the same "namespace" on every server?


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From the first glance, the task of configuring LDAP authentication in Caché is not hard at all – the manual describes this process in just 6 paragraphs. On the other hand, if the LDAP server uses Microsoft Active Directory, there a few non-evident things that need to be configured on the LDAP server side. Those who don’t do anything like that on a regular basis may get lost in Caché settings. In this article, we will describe the step-by-step process of setting up LDAP authentication and cover the diagnostic methods that can be used if something doesn’t work as expected.

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· Oct 9, 2018
SID Conversion

Hi all,By using LDAP cache method ##Class(%SYS.LDAP).GetValuesLen(LD,CurrentEntry,Attribute) we get the list of attributes but in "ObjectSid" attribute have the SID in binary format(objectSid^U¤:c@ãºþÕLCP]). how to convert to the readable format from the binary format in cache side.
Please help us to proceed further

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· Sep 13, 2018
Authentication Error

Hi All,
I tried to execute the ##Class(%SYS.LDAP).Binds(LD,"",$lb(Username,Domain,Password),$$$LDAPAUTHNEGOTIATE) but this command is returning the value as 7 only instead of 0,7 is an "Authentication Method Not Supported",How to recover it and why this error message is occuring
Please help me

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· Jun 29, 2018

I wrote a ZAUTHENTICATE.mac a couple of months back, and found recently that it is creating coredumps on almost a nightly basis. I think I have figured out this problem to be not clearing out my MsgSearch after I am doing 2 of them within the code.

1. Get User Attibutes from AD

2. Get User Groups From AD

So while I am trying to cleanup the code I thought it would be a good time to add a Certificate and TLS to the mix since I should of been using that all along. However I keep running into issues

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I am working on an ZAUTHENTICATE.mac to move us from local cache users to Delegated Authentication against LDAP.

I have created a user role within my instance of Ensemble that matches the AD Group that I will be assigning everyone in my group to. Is there a way to query the list of available Roles within Ensemble, and if one of my AD groups matches that role, set the role for that user?

How would I compare the AD Group against the Role listing?



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I am working through trying to use ZAUTHENTICATE.mac and LDAP.mac to do Delegated sign on into Ensemble. In reading over the samples and the documentation, I am not clearly finding on how to set the Appropriate Role from the LDAP group I return. Can someone help explain this part to me? If I have a user sign on, and I return a "Group" from the Authentication, how do I get that to transform into the Role I need for Ensemble.


Scott Roth

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