Based on a great sample and workshop built by @Luis Angel Pérez Ramos (see related articles and related Open Exchange app), which included a local InterSystems IRIS for Health container (and desired setup), this sample presented here, adapted the workshop for using the InterSystems Cloud FHIR Server, and it's related setup.

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I am trying to use IRIS for Health as a Facade for an external FHIR Server, where IRIS provides the proper authentication.
The client authenticates using a bearer token obtained from the IRIS OAuth2 server via a jwt client assertion.
The IRIS endpoint, however, returns a 401 as soon as I remove the Unauthenticated access

Is there w way to make this work through configuration?

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Hello, i need to make property that is of type List of Lists of String (see "body_text" in JSON)

How can i make it?


  "type": "BODY",
  "text": "<TEXT>",
  # Required if <TEXT> string contains variables
  "example": {
    "body_text": [
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