Hi, Community!

If you prepare your longread for DC in Microsoft Word or Google Docs there is one very easy way how to add your formatted text and images in DC post at once.

To make it do the following:

1.Click Create Post on Developer Community.

2. Copy all the text in Word o GDocs to the buffer.

3. Click the button Paste from word (see the shot):

4. Paste the text to the opened window an press OK.

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· Mar 23, 2016 1m read
Triple posting

It looks like andreas posting is in triplicate - I am sure the bureaucrats are very happy - on the homepage

Not sure why...? Is there really 3 unique posts IDs that are the same or is there a bug in the hoempage display logic that is repeating the items listed?

triple post

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"Related conversations" section shows only comments number.

In fact, these topics might also have answers.

For example, on next screenshot there are three topics in Related conversations section (on the right).

All three of them have answers, but they are shown as having 0 comments, thus seem as unanswered.

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In the subscriptions e-mails I get (digested), the URLs are typically wrapped across lines, like:

| Post link:



|01610  Direct unsubscribe link (content type):

My mail client can't handle this, of course; the link doesn't work. (The actual link in this case is: https://community.intersystems.com/post/explanation-defaultdb-database-2... )

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· Oct 19, 2016 1m read
Bad format/layout to be fixed

PLease see attached image.

The layout of the "last comment/answer" on the list of topics has a line break in it creating bad layout.

Please fix. This fix will tighten up the list of topics displayed

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I received an email notification and the only link was directly to the comment: https://community.intersystems.com/question406316/answer406331

From that page you can see that there is no way to get to the full question itself (unless I'm missing it).

Looking through my subscriptions it looks like I'm literally subscribed to the answer and not the main topic.

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