· Nov 21, 2018
Short Cuts and Tweaks to Studio

I am quite new to Studio and I have been a Microsoft guy for a very long time and spoilt because of the short cuts provided and the flexibility of the IDE. Any tips and tricks for me to make my life easy while using the studio?

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· Jun 4, 2018
link component on a ZEN page

When using the link component on a ZEN page the default behavior is for the link to appear to the right of the tablepane row. Has anybody changed this behavior so the link appears to the left of the tablepane row? Thank you in advance for any and all feedback.

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· Jul 31, 2018
Use Fallback CSS mode

Hi everybody,

we have some legacy ZEN applications build upon CSS2 style definitions. We moved the application due to an upgrade to a newer version of cache (2017.2.1). Anyway I have in mind that in one of the prior relases css3 style interpretation was enforced by ZEN and you could explecitly tell the framework to use CSS2 by setting a global. Anyway I can´t found any hints in the docs on that. Does anyone of the %ZEN gurus have this in mind?

best regards,


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I can refer to the TracerName for a given ImageFile object with the following syntax: obj.Study.Injection.GetAt(obj.InjKey).RadioTracer.TracerName

Is it possible to write an SQL statement to search the PET.ImageFile table to find a match based on the RadioTracer.TracerName?

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Hello ,

I want the datagrid to reflect values based on the value i select in the Combobox. How to pass value from the combobox to the

altJSONSQLProvider parameter and reload the datagrid ?

My combobox defines below method on change.


<altJSONSQLProvider id="PatchClassJsonId" OnGetSQL="GetSQL" >
<parameter paramName="1" value="C"/>




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· Dec 20, 2018
RemoteDatabase Creation Error

How to configure Remotedatabase into our local instance. While connecting remote database i am getting "ERROR #463: Database C:\InterSystems\HealthShare2\mgr\Remote\ is not allowed for ECP Mirror Connection". so can anyone help me to sort this out.

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