
Monitoring your IRIS deployment is crucial. With the deprecation of System Alert and Monitoring (SAM), a modern, scalable solution is necessary for real-time insights, early issue detection, and operational efficiency. This guide covers setting up Prometheus and Grafana in Kubernetes to monitor InterSystems IRIS effectively.

This guide assumes you already have an IRIS cluster deployed using the InterSystems Kubernetes Operator (IKO), which simplifies deployment, integration and mangement.

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In the world of APIs, REST is very extended. But what happens when you need more flexibility in your data-fetching strategies? For instance letting the client to choose what fields is going to receive. Enter GraphQL, a query language for your APIs that provides a flexible alternative to REST.

In this post, we will:

  • Compare REST and GraphQL.
  • Dive into the basics of GraphQL: Queries, Mutations, and HTTP.
  • Build a simple GraphQL server implementation using Graphene, SQLAlchemy, and Flask over data in InterSystems IRIS.
  • Explore how to deploy your GraphQL server as a WSGI application in IRIS.
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Hello, I have a problem with a call and I would need some help.

When I call an API with the SendFormDataArray method of the EnsLib.HTTP.OutboundAdapter adapter, I pass it a %Net.HttpRequest object and I receive the following error:

ERROR #5002: ObjectScript error: <SUBSCRIPT>MatchSuffix+1^%Net.HttpRequest.1 ^%qPublicSuffix("")

I have correctly entered the url in my business operation and I pass it in the last parameter of the SendFormDataArray method. Do you have any idea, please?

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