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Lucas Enard · May 3, 2022

Formation on InterSystems' interoperability framework using ONLY Python

FileOperation(BusinessOperation): """ It is an operation that write a training or a patient in a file """ def on_init(self): """ It changes
Zhong Li · Feb 15, 2023

ChatGPT to create message transformations for you

() set obs.subject = { "reference": "Patient/"_src.MSH.GetSendingApplication() } set obs.status = "final" set loincCode = src.GetSegment("OBX", 1).GetField(3).GetField
David Hockenbroch · Jan 4

The Security Package - REST API Considerations

index = $O(props("")) while index '= ""{ do respObj.%Set(index,props(index)) set index = $O(props(index)) } write respObj.%ToJSON() return $$$OK
Mike Kadow · May 12, 2016

NewBie's Corner Session 1 Installing Caché

to address me only.See NewBie Index for an index of all NewBie Corner posts. Hi Mike,Might be worthwhile to add a tag for "Newbie's Corner" to make these easier to find. Search does
Paul Gomez · Feb 25, 2016

Alert: Incorrect SQL Results

but the problem could happen even if a different table were being changed. Given the following class, User.Test: Class User.Test Extends %Persistent { Index idx
John Murray · Mar 11, 2016

Using Class Queries - %SQL.Statement versus %Library.ResultSet

should be pretty much the same.If you have a complex query that can't be boosted by adding just another index or by running tune table, you can probably write your own custom logic
Nikita Savchenko · Nov 26, 2017

What is the Best Way to Rename Persistent Classes which Already have Data

-null %%CLASSNAME value containing references to old class names. This value is not only in the data global but it will also be present in index globals. Even if you do not rename
Yuri Marx · Mar 1, 2021

Day 4: Developing with InterSystems Objects and SQL

: user constants or system constants to configure the class behavior; Foreign keys: to referencial integrity; Indexes: to improve performance and do unique values; Triggers
Rochdi Badis · Sep 4, 2022

System having trouble writing data to disk

, and then after few minutes it is cleared automatically. (e.g. when you rebuild a huge index, or do some data migration process). I would monitor the disk activity for the disk that the WIJ
Mathieu Van Sevenant · Feb 6, 2020

Size Limitation for %ToJSON() with large stream

" = objInObjDoc set httpRequest.ContentType="application/json"do httpRequest.EntityBody.Write(objDoc.%ToJSON())set sc=httpRequest.Post("/index/push", 0) Building
Muhammad Waseem · Feb 10, 2023

Getting to know Python Flask Web Framework - Part 2

(to route) in file: from flask import Flask, jsonify, render_template import iris app = Flask(__name__) @app.route("/") def index(): #to render main index
Dmitry Maslennikov · Oct 23, 2022

SQL Query returns sorted Integer ID column as string

an error. FWIW, the reason you're seeing this is that due to the ORDER BY clause we're picking up that id value from the index' subscript rather than from the master map. thanks
Glenn van Bavel · May 4, 2017

SNMP Service can't connect with Caché SNMP agent

:Config port = 1972, SNMP-capable = 116:58:25 : sorted (end) as index[0]16:58:25 :RegOpenKey for mgr dir SOFTWARE\InterSystems\Cache\Configurations\ENSEMBLE\Directory16:58:25 :Open
Paul Mathieson · Oct 26, 2016

Data extraction using SQL Via ODBC

clauses can make the queries perform worse than doing the raw table scan, appreciate adding indexes would help however it's not an option since we don't own the system, we simply
Steve Riddle · Nov 9, 2020

Apache RewriteRule on IRIS

; Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride All Require all granted RewriteEngine On RewriteRule "^/foo\.csp" "/bar.csp" [PT] <