· Aug 2, 2017

InterSystems Developer Meetup: Who are the Presenters?

Hi, Community!

You know we would have a meetup in Boston on the 8th of July August with the following agenda:




    Registration and welcome coffee

5-55pm     Opening Evgeny Shvarov
6-00pm     Atelier 1.1 Andreas Dieckow, Joyce Zhang, Michelle Stolwyk


6-30pm     REST API in Caché

Fabian Haupt

7-00pm     Coffee break  
7-30pm     Online Learning and Developer Community

Douglas Foster, Evgeny Shvarov

8-00pm     End of the Meetup. Coffee, beverages


Let me share some details about presenters.

Andreas Dieckow the product manager, Joyce Zhang the tech lead and Michelle Stolwyk the UX designer from the Atelier team will be sharing the benefits of the InterSystems new IDE and introducing the new features in the next release.

Fabian Haupt is an InterSystems senior support engineer, you might have worked with him on one of your WRC issues. Fabian is also an honored author on Developer Community. He will share some best practices on implementing REST API backends using InterSystems Caché, Ensemble, HealthShare.

Douglas Foster, manager of the InterSystems Online Learning department will present the latest news about online learning and how the courses have evolved. He will demonstrate the resources available now and will gather feedback about what to include in the future online learning catalog.

And you can introduce your topic on the next meetup and share your success built with InterSystems Technology.

Join us on the 8th of August!

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