Hello Community!
I continue my Global Summit journal and would like to welcome you to the second day.
The keynotes of this day were dedicated to IRIS Data Platform (yay!).
Scott Gnau started the presentation by explaining why IRIS is called IRIS. I didn't know this!
After the keynotes (and a lunch) everyone went their separate ways to find the sessions, workshops and events they registered for.
Tech Exchange, where the Developer Community booth is, was as usual full at this time.
Someone was talking about containers and it gathered quite a crowd!
During the day, moderators dropped by to ask what's up and sit down and have a little chat (@Irène Mykhailova, @Guillaume Rongier ).
Or I would see them in the corridors ( @José Pereira and me ).
@John Murray and @David Loveluck
Global Summit's fairy god mother (@Maureen Flaherty) has also arrived to ask if everything was OK.
But at the end of the day, everyone got a bit tired (@Raj Singh et @Guillaume Rongier).
But the work waits for nothing. So the last visitor of the day (@Guillaume Rongier, @Kai Chan and @Jim Regan).
and the evening entertaining begins! For this Global Summit the theme was "Off to the Races" and it took place in the Carousel Club at the Gulfstream Park.
The god time was had by everyone!
This is it for this day. See you tomorrow.
Glad to see so many familiar faces 😍
Can't wait to read the next part of this series!