Working with Yakov on this, we saw that for SCOPE_IDENTITY() to work on the SQL Serve side it needs to be in the same "scope" of the INSERT (for example in the same Stored Procedure), see here for reference.

So what Yakov ended up doing was encapsulating the INSERT and SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() into a Stored Procedure which returns the newly inserted Row ID, and call the SP via the Adapter, thus inserting the new record and getting back the new ID.

Ok, Carig, so sorry about the superfluous explanation about the SQL Package to Schema name mapping...

But now I do understand the problem better -

First, as you realized you don't need the asterisk (*), just the name of the schema.

And second you need to use the term SCHEMA in your statement before the schema name, or else we expect a table name (hence the error you got - table ... not found).

So per the example I quoted originally above from the documentation:


In your example this would be:


I just added the word 'SCHEMA' before the schema name.

Hope this will get it to work for you.

Hi Craig,

I'm not 100% sure this is the problem you are seeing (you might be aware of this already) - but worth a try - 

When you define an OO package name (and sub-packages) for your classes, these "project" to SQL Schema names a little differently, so instead of "dots" (.) in your full package name you would have underscores (_) in your schema name.

For example PackageA.PackageB.Class would be PackageA_PackageB.Class - so the schema name would be PackageA_PackageB (and not PackageA.PackageB).

See here for example about this in the Documentation.

Hi Craig,

Perhaps this could help -


You can use SCHEMA schema-name as the object-list value to grant the object-privilege to all of the tables, views, and stored procedures in the named schema, in the current namespace. For example, GRANT SELECT ON SCHEMA Sample TO Deborah grants this user SELECT privilege for all objects in the Sample schema. This includes all objects that will be defined in this schema in the future. You can specify multiple schemas as a comma-separated list; for example, GRANT SELECT ON SCHEMA Sample,Cinema TO Deborah grants SELECT privilege for all objects in both the Sample and the Cinema schemas.

I'm not sure if I fully understand your question Eduard, but the token itself, internally, is built by the original request's Message Header ID (and the Production name; concatenated with a pipe - |)

E.g., from the code (in Ens.Host):

Method GetDeferredResponseToken(pMessageHeader As Ens.MessageHeader) As %String
    Quit pMessageHeader.%Id()_"|"_$$$EnsRuntime("Name")

ClassMethod SendDeferredResponse(pDeferredResponseToken As %String, pResponse As %Library.Persistent) As %Status
    Set tSC=$$$OK
    Try {
        Set tMessageHeaderId=$p(pDeferredResponseToken,"|",1)
        Set tProductionName=$p(pDeferredResponseToken,"|",2)

Note this is of course internal implementation, and I don't think it is documented or supported (i.e. might change in future versions without notice).

Thanks for filling in the picture Michael.
So this seems to fit into the theory I had about the error indicating your SOAP client is not receiving the response it expected.

You can see the server (the SOAP service) you are turning to is running into an internal error (HTTP status 500) and you also have details about the error they ran into "javax.... " and their relevant stack.

I suggest, if it is possible, that you turn to the entity that is behind this service and report to them the error you are getting (makes sense also to share with them what you see in the log that you are sending to them).

And they might be able to help you.

Hi Michael,

It's a little difficult to tell just from the description you provided what the problem exactly is, but my guesstimate would be that it actually is not related to the encoding (UTF8 vs ISO-8859-1) of what you are sending, but something to do with the response you are getting back.

As the error you quoted mentions - "... returned response with unexpected...".

And specifically the error is complaining about the content-type being text/html where it should probably be expected to be (in the case of SOAP) xml.

So it looks like you provided an extract from the SOAP log - but of what was sent (Output) but not what was received back.

Maybe share that part and we'd be able to help a little more.

You can use (inside %SYS) Config.Namespaces:Get().

For example -

%SYS > set status = ##class(Config.Namespaces).Get("USER",.properties)

%SYS > zwrite properties
%SYS > set dataDatabaseName = properties("Globals")

%SYS > write dataDatabaseName
%SYS > set codeDatabaseName = properties("Routines")

%SYS > write codeDatabaseName

Of course assuming you are coming from other namespace into %SYS, you can have the name of that namespace in a variable, and use that variable instead of "USER" in my example above.

If you want the actual directory/folder of the database you can also then use Config.Databases:Get(), for example:

%SYS > set status = ##class(Config.Databases).Get("USER",.properties)

%SYS > zwrite properties

And if you want directly just the locations of the databases, and not their names, you could use %SYS.Namespace:GetAllNSInfo() (without having to move into %SYS first) as @Julius Kavay mentioned.

For example:

USER > do ##class(%SYS.Namespace).GetAllNSInfo("USER",.info)

USER > zwrite info

In line with what @Yaron Munz was saying - when you purge your messages as part of your interoperability data, and you choose to include Message Bodies, then your Body class' data (whether your message body class extends from Ens.Request or Ens.Response, or whether it is simply a class extending from %Persistent) will get deleted together with the Message Header.

The purge code [in Ens.MessageHeader:Purge()] looks at the MessageBodyClassName and MessageBodyId fields of the MessageHeader record and then calls the %DeleteId() method for that class, for the given Id. 

That being said, as @Cristiano Silva pointed out if the class you use as your message body includes references to other persistent classes, these will not get deleted/purged with the referencing object, unless you have an %OnDelete callback method/Trigger taking care of this.

You can see these related posts I shared in the past -


Thanks to @Tom Woodfin for finding this - there is a documented limitation for using || within properties that are part of an IDKEY, see from here:


   There must not be a sequential pair of vertical bars (||) within the values of any property used by an IDKEY index, unless that property is a valid reference to an instance of a persistent class. This restriction is imposed by the way in which the InterSystems SQL mechanism works. The use of || in IDKey properties can result in unpredictable behavior.

And also after some internal discussion - there is no way around this limitation.