go to post Alexander Koblov · Dec 22, 2021 @Dmitry Maslennikov has nice series of articles on how globals are stored. First one -- Internal Structure of Caché Database Blocks, Part 1
go to post Alexander Koblov · Dec 15, 2021 I'm glad that helped! This is why we all here -- to learn something new! :-)
go to post Alexander Koblov · Dec 10, 2021 Open settings for the web application (Menu -> Web applications -> [choose web application]) where you run the production and put %CSP.Error.cls as the "Custom Error Page". Reproduce the error. You should see the actual error on the page.
go to post Alexander Koblov · Oct 27, 2021 SQL Gateway uses %JDBC.Server to connect to 3rd party databases via JDBC. SQL Gateway connection is the database connection settings. %JDBC.Server settings are the settings for the java process that handles these connections. "The driver cannot be loaded" most likely means that you specified wrong path to the jar file with the MSSQL driver. Or IRIS process does not have permission to access this jar file. Try also running two following commands from the terminal. They might give some hint on what's wrong do $system.SQLGateway.TestConnection("ConnectionName") zwrite %objlasterror
go to post Alexander Koblov · Aug 19, 2021 USER>d ^quine set q = $C(34) kill a //stolen from Wikipedia Java example set a($I(a)) = " set q = $C(34) kill a //stolen from Wikipedia Java example" set a($I(a)) = " set a($I(a)) = " set a($I(a)) = " write a(1),! " set a($I(a)) = " for i=1:1:a { " set a($I(a)) = " write a(2),q,a(i),q,! " set a($I(a)) = " }" set a($I(a)) = " for i=3:1:a {" set a($I(a)) = " write a(i),!" set a($I(a)) = " }" write a(1),! for i=1:1:a { write a(2),q,a(i),q,! } for i=3:1:a { write a(i),! }
go to post Alexander Koblov · Aug 18, 2021 Should work. What does this function returns? Does it work if you put something very simple in the bat file? E.g. echo qq > c:\temp\test.txt
go to post Alexander Koblov · Aug 18, 2021 InterSystems IRIS does not have a MEDIAN SQL function. However, it has different window functions. For example, Percent_Rank might help you here. create table test(c1 varchar(10), c2 integer) insert into test(c1,c2) select 'a',1 union all select 'b',2 union all select 'c',3 union all select 'd',3 union all select 'e',3 union all select 'f',4 union all select 'g',5 union all select 'h',6 select c1, c2, Percent_Rank () OVER ( ORDER BY c2 desc ) rank_no from test order by c2 desc c1 c2 rank_no h 6 0 g 5 .1428571428571428571 f 4 .2857142857142857143 c 3 .4285714285714285714 d 3 .4285714285714285714 e 3 .4285714285714285714 b 2 .8571428571428571429 a 1 1 Doc: https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/Doc.View.cls?KEY=RS... Also, it's possible to create a user-defined aggregate function. See https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls...
go to post Alexander Koblov · Aug 9, 2021 You are connecting to the server 'localhost'. This server sends back the certificate. And this certificate says that it is for the server "cache". "cache" is not equal to the "localhost", hence the error. Either access the server using the name "cache" (e.g. by changing hosts file). Or change the certificate
go to post Alexander Koblov · Jul 27, 2021 do $System.DeepSee.Reset(1) is a very strong command. It clears all BI cache and terminates all running BI processes. That is -- if users are running queries at the moment, they get the errors. If you find that you are running this command on the regular basis -- contact InterSystems Support
go to post Alexander Koblov · Jul 21, 2021 Perhaps pagemaster and masterreference elements can help you here. There you can define different templates for the pages depending if the page is first or last https://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/Doc.View.cls?KEY=GRPT_r...
go to post Alexander Koblov · Jul 19, 2021 Hi Muhammad. Perhaps Zen button does not have such attribute -- "onselect". Maybe you need "onclick" instead? See the documentation for list of possible attributes
go to post Alexander Koblov · Jul 19, 2021 Hi Kevin. What version of Caché or InterSystems IRIS do you have? INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS seem to be available only since Caché 2015.2
go to post Alexander Koblov · Apr 23, 2021 In this case I think "sorts after" (]]) is better. So that locale is taken into the account.
go to post Alexander Koblov · Apr 15, 2021 Afaik for Application Roles to take place, user should re-login -- Roles are assigned on login. So -- no need to restart the web application, but user should log out and login again. And yes, Application Roles is a great tool to minimize privileges that are given to the user directly
go to post Alexander Koblov · Apr 15, 2021 a) Try setting error page as %CSP.Error.cls for this web application, then errors are shown on the page itself, instead of being logged b) Reproduce the error with ^%ISCLOG enabled: kill ^%ISCLOG set ^%ISCLOG = 3 Reproduce the error quickly. Disable ^%ISCLOG set ^%ISCLOG = 0 Check for errors in ^%ISCLOG: zwrite ^%ISCLOG
go to post Alexander Koblov · Feb 10, 2021 Also, you can create calculated dimension member and sort members by PROPERTIES("KEY") using following expression: ORDER([DateOfSale].[Actual].[DaySold].Members,[DateOfSale].CurrentMember.PROPERTIES("KEY"),BDESC)