Hi Jochen.

If you have different modules in one namespace I suggest to you to have different Atelier projects for these modules. Then you can have one Git repository to handle all these projects.

With such approach the repository has all the code for the namespace and the code is grouped by projects (modules) inside repository.

Here you can find more details on how you can define Git repository for multiple projects.


Thank you for article Dmitry.

You say "you may notice data in ASCII is represented by in 1 byte but Unicode data in 2-bytes".

Actually, it seems, that Unicode data takes less then 2 bytes per character.

In your example with BLKDUMP string "TestТест" is represented as

54 65 73 74 92 30 A2 B5 C1 C2

First four bytes is clearly "Test" representation, so other four characters "Тест" are represented with just six bytes -- "92 30 A2 B5 C1 C2", instead of expected 8.