Announcement Renee Cannon · May 17, 2018 New Video: SMART on FHIR – The Basics Hi Everyone!New video"SMART on FHIR: The Basics" is available now on DC YouTube Channel:[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings] #FHIR #HL7 #Video #HealthShare 1 0 0 849
Question Renee Cannon · Apr 30, 2018 Does Atelier 1.1 use SVG for its graphical editor? What does Atelier 1.1's graphical editor use for rendering? Is it SVG? #Development Environment 0 1 0 272
Question Renee Cannon · Sep 14, 2016 What are the rules for DSTIME if a property type is a class? I know per documentation (pasted below) to set the DSTIME parameters for the base class of a cube. If that base class has a property that is another class, do I have to add the DSTIME parameters to that secondary class? Documentation says the following in a section titled "Enabling Cube Synchronization:"Before you can synchronize a cube, you must enable the cube synchronization feature for that cube. To do so: #InterSystems IRIS BI (DeepSee) #Cubes 0 3 0 527
Question Renee Cannon · Jul 20, 2016 State-Aware Mode (Preserve Mode 1) and process variables I am building a SOAP service using Caché 2016.1. If I set %session.Preserve=1 in OnPreWebMethod and I set a variable in my service method, why don't I see the variable in the CSP session processes' variables after I call the method? #CSP #SOAP #Caché 0 1 0 405
Question Renee Cannon · May 2, 2016 Syntax for calling label when using extended routine reference I get NOROUTINE when I try to call a label in a routine in another namespace:d someLabel^|”OTHERNAMESPACE”|someRoutine(inputVar,.resultByReference)Two questions:1. What is wrong with my syntax for calling a label in the other routine, versus just the root of the .int/mac?2. Can I pass a parameter by reference when using extended routine reference? #Caché 0 3 0 677
Question Renee Cannon · Apr 22, 2016 Not able to modify configuration after RHEL install by Linux newbie I followed the Documentation instructions to install Caché on my Linux box and it seems to be running fine except when I try to modify the configuration. I keep getting errors that a previous cache.cpf file (e.g., cache.cpf_8503) cannot be opened. Is my Linux "user who owns instance" account deficient in Linux permissions? #System Administration #Caché 0 1 0 383
Question Renee Cannon · Mar 28, 2016 Is there an API for determining the size of a routine? Is there an API I can call to determine the size of a routine in a CACHE.DAT file so that I don't have to directly reference the ^ROUTINE global? #Databases #Object Data Model #ObjectScript #Caché 0 4 1 552
Question Renee Cannon · Mar 14, 2016 How to code datalistbox onchange to clear a Zen tablepane? I have a tablepane in my Zen page that is tied to a class query. When the page first loads, the table is empty. A button onclick event causes the tablepane query to execute and load query results into the table. I want an onchange event from a datalistbox to clear the tablepane so that it looks empty as it was when the page first loaded. I have had no luck fiddling with javascript in the datalistbox's onchange. #ZEN #Caché 0 1 0 418