I know per documentation (pasted below) to set the DSTIME parameters for the base class of a cube. If that base class has a property that is another class, do I have to add the DSTIME parameters to that secondary class?

Documentation says the following in a section titled "Enabling Cube Synchronization:"

Before you can synchronize a cube, you must enable the cube synchronization feature for that cube. To do so:

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I get NOROUTINE when I try to call a label in a routine in another namespace:

d someLabel^|”OTHERNAMESPACE”|someRoutine(inputVar,.resultByReference)

Two questions:

1. What is wrong with my syntax for calling a label in the other routine, versus just the root of the .int/mac?

2. Can I pass a parameter by reference when using extended routine reference?

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I have a tablepane in my Zen page that is tied to a class query. When the page first loads, the table is empty. A button onclick event causes the tablepane query to execute and load query results into the table. I want an onchange event from a datalistbox to clear the tablepane so that it looks empty as it was when the page first loaded. I have had no luck fiddling with javascript in the datalistbox's onchange.

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