go to post David Crawford · Mar 22, 2020 I was very interested in this question! Looking at this really great post here, there was some documentation I wanted to look at but it's giving me access errors :( hoping to read up on the security package documentation soon!
go to post David Crawford · Nov 7, 2019 Depending on how your column is set up, you may have a couple options. If what you're returning is pretty simple, you could embed javascript into the layout editor code view to access the dom of the other columns values you want to check. Another option which is easier to maintain and control, and is closer to what you mentioned is adding a transformation which calls out to an ObjectScript class function. From there you can access the context of whatever data you're pulling and check the values right there, and return whatever you want in your column.
go to post David Crawford · Sep 18, 2019 It's the zero point for MUMPS based languages. It shows that way if your session has no timeout. From James Poitras on why:"When I decided on specifications for the date routine, I remembered reading of the oldest (one of the oldest?) U.S. citizen, a Civil War veteran, who was 121 years old at the time. Since I wanted to be able to represent dates in a Julian-type form so that age could be easily calculated and to be able to represent any birth date in the numeric range selected, I decided that a starting date in the early 1840s would be ‘safe.’ Since my algorithm worked most logically when every fourth year was a leap year, the first year was taken as 1841. The zero point was then December 31, 1840."Taken from http://www.faqs.org/faqs/m-technology-faq/part1/
go to post David Crawford · Jul 23, 2019 Something to note, if you delete the repo, the pull request will show up as "unknown repository"and any history attached to that repo will be lost. Also any references to it will of course be broken. But deleting the branch is encouraged by github and won't break any references. For me, I don't like broken links and references, but of course there's the argument of wanting a clean profile instead of 1000 old forked repos :)
go to post David Crawford · Jul 10, 2018 I use a similar setup with some projects, albeit not with delegation. But appending the param to my url has never given me 401 messages. What kind of permissions do you have setup for your web app? If you manually insert this param at any point in the app, does it always give 401? Are you still redirected to your login page? Where are you capturing the 401, or is it sent on its own?
go to post David Crawford · Jun 8, 2018 I'll try to answer just the conversion question. It looks like someone has asked about roman numerals before here:https://community.intersystems.com/post/roman-number-converterHowever the conclusion was that the referenced article in that question here:http://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.FrameSet.cls?KEY=GVRF_basicfeaturesDoesn't support roman numeral conversion. Now there's a billion ways to do this yourself, and I was inspired by the unary method in one of the answers here, instead of complex loops:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12967896/converting-integers-to-roman-numerals-javaSo I made something similar for ObjectScript, and it gets the job done in a very simple way. Note that it doesn't use a full Subtractive method for conversion, for that you'll need more cases. The replaces could be structured differently too but I wanted it to be as understandable as possible. Call it in your report however you like. ClassMethod RomanNumeralConversion(pNum) As %Status { set roman = "" for x=1:1:pNum { set roman = roman_"I" } set roman = $REPLACE(roman,"IIIII", "V") set roman = $REPLACE(roman,"IIII","IV") set roman = $REPLACE(roman,"VV","X") set roman = $REPLACE(roman,"VIV", "IX") set roman = $REPLACE(roman,"XXXXX", "L") set roman = $REPLACE(roman,"LL", "C") set roman = $REPLACE(roman,"LXL", "XC") set roman = $REPLACE(roman,"CCCCC", "D") set roman = $REPLACE(roman,"CCCC", "CD") set roman = $REPLACE(roman,"DD", "M") set roman = $REPLACE(roman,"DCD", "CM") return roman }
go to post David Crawford · Jan 16, 2018 Hello, From what you've provided, this looks like a javascript error simply indicating that the function it's looking for doesn't exist. How are you calling cspHttpServerMethod? In the section Calling Server-side Methods Using #server on this documentation chapter, the proper javascript syntax is given to call server-side methods. For example from the doc, function test(value) { // invoke server-side method Test #server(MyPackage.Test(value))#; }