· Jun 29, 2020
Get Property MaxLen

Set cdef = ##class(%Dictionary.ClassDefinition).%OpenId(table)
Set count = cdef.Properties.Count()
For i = 1:1:count {
Write cdef.Properties.GetAt(i).Name, " ", cdef.Properties.GetAt(i).Type, "", <MY QUESTION>,!

How can I do to get maxlen?

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3 527
· Jan 3, 2019
iris.node not found

I followed the instructions in the documentation (Install iris.node on nodejs for windows). Procedures made:

=> Copy iris.node to the location specified in the NODE_PATH environment variable: C:\Program Files\nodejs

=> I used: var irisobj = require('iris') on my js file

But is not work. Error: The specified procedure could not be found.

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