Merely you have to "open" the article to get those tags into top position. If you just browse (see the screenshot) over the articles: (a) you have to scroll down and (b) a tag name could have but must not have the same meaning as an acronym. In my opinion, an acronym should always be explained after the first usage - either you write it out or you insert a link or whatever...  

By the way, you can also "shorten" a given node and start over...

// from the above example,
// name = ^A("TEST1","TEST2", ... "TEST10")
// now we take that global with the first two subscripts
set name = $name(@name,2)
// and add new subscripts
set name = $name(@name@(3333,4444))
set @name = "new data"

Try it and then ZWRITE ^A  to see the effect

I assume, we are talking about ObjectScript? Then you got in the main method a <SYNTAX> error because "calling" is not a command keyword. So what are you really doing? We don't need the whole main method, the line with the call would be enough. By the way, a method name like "this_method" is not a valid name except if you place it in (double)quotes.  Something, which is formal correct, looks like this:

Method "this_MainMethod"()
    do ..SecondMethod()

Method SecondMethod()
    // ...

I hope, this change does not affect the way I use (some of the) mnemonics - am I right?

Class My.Mnemonics Extends %RegisteredObject
/// Set-/Reset mnemonic routine
ClassMethod SetMnemonics(rou={$zname}) [ ProcedureBlock = 0 ]
    set old=##class(%Device).GetMnemonicRoutine()
    use $i::"^"_rou
    quit old
MA(x)	write "This is MA "_x quit
MB()	write "This is MB" quit

// for example:
set old=##class(My.Mnemonics).SetMnemonics()
write /ma(123)
do ##class(MyMnemonics).SetMnemonics(old)

OK, I start with 47 chars... unfortunately, I have to add 20 chars more for that (stupid) extra requirement of ignoring characters like {, [, <, etc. therefore end up with 67 chars

ClassMethod IsHalfValid(x)
1	s z=x,x=$replace(x,"()","") g 1:x'=z q x=""

ClassMethod IsFullValid(x)
1	s z=x,x=$replace($zstrip(x,"*e",,"()"),"()","") g 1:x'=z q x=""

Speed was'n asked...

In the mean time the answer is already given by Mr Maslennikov and others, but to shorten your runtime,  you could also try a "variablenless" loop, maybe this gives you some seconds more... The emphasis is on "maybe".

// if you have null-subscripts enabled
if $d(^YYY(""))!1 for i=0:1 {quit:$order(@$zr)=""} write i

// if null-subscripts are not enabled
if $d(^YYY(-9E18))!1 for i=0:1 {quit:$order(@$zr)=""} write i

// of course, you can do that on any arbitrary level too
if $d(^YYY(1,2,3,""))!1 for i=0:1 {...} write i

// the value of -9E19 ist just for explanation, use a value suitable for your needs

May I ask for the background, why do you need that node count?