To achieve the expected result of individual storage you may take this approach:

Class Test.NewClass Extends %Persistent [ NoExtent ]
Property Name As %String [ Required ];
Index NameIndex On Name [ Unique ];


Class Test.NewClass1 Extends Test.NewClass
Storage Default
<Data name="NewClass1DefaultData">
<Value name="1">
<Value name="2">


and you see:
ERROR #5808: Key not unique: Test.NewClass1:NameIndex:^Test.NewClass1I("NameIndex"," A1")

Following this discussion since beginning I'm wondering about the variant I've learned.
my personal approach would be.
have an exact copy of your class also pointing to the same storage
remove all index definitions from that clone class
run your bulkload
if you don't want to have the same storage
just eliminate the index definitions in the copy
clean its storage and run your bulk load
finally, merge the resulting globals

#' .)
It's not pure OO,
but writing to storage is never OO with Caché or IRIS