Big THANK YOU @Jani Hurskainen for sharing your story.
I'm impressed by the progress you made on ObjectScript
after only 1,5 years maybe 30% of working time,

AoC examples are definitely different from the target cases ObjectScript was designed for.
Its top target is the underlaying database, string manipulation and less math functionality.

My best wishes for Health and Success  for the New Year

Thank you @Evgeny Shvarov !
I'd like to underline especially the use of  Docker.

My hundreds reviews in OEX wouldn't be possible without it with my limited test environment.
It's not only the option to run various  versions in parallel to my personal setup,
but much more the possibility to clean out all traces and specific settings just with a click.

If you ever tried to remove COMPLETELY an IRIS installation with all traces
from Windows you may understand me.

And with the available templates it is a really easy exercise to compose
your personal customized package with almost no effort and
test it over and over from scratch.


you crate your own stored procedure to decide during SELECT

/// Return NEW for first occurance of item 
/// otherwise return OLD
Class User.ItemStat Extends %RegisteredObject
ClassMethod NewOld(item As %String = "") As %String [ SqlProc ]
    if item="" quit "?"
    if $d(^||list(item)) quit "OLD"
    if $i(^||list(item)) quit "NEW"

How to use it:

SELECT *, ItemStat_NewOld(item) as Status
FROM items order by 2


ID	date	  item	Status
1	09/13/1932	A	NEW
2	04/06/1933	D	NEW
10	06/15/1940	A	OLD
4	11/26/1940	A	OLD
6	02/19/1956	B	NEW
8	04/22/1957	D	OLD
7	05/01/1959	D	OLD
9	06/29/1961		?
3	07/04/1992	B	OLD
5	12/08/2020	D	OLD

Similar to previous years I will provide the results of our private leaderboard 

  • It will sort by published ranking but separate DC members from "guests"
  • The matching of DC members is a manual task 
  • if I missed you pls. let me know your identity in AoC by DC mail  to add your DC flag
  • due to private issue my updates might show delays sometimes
  • 2 test sets with results are available on OEX: AoC2024-test or GitHub: AoC2024_test
  • I just added a column to show completion of parts in the exercises
    • -  no part
    • 1 only part 1  (silver star)
    • 2 only part 2 (another silver star)
    • 3 1+2 both parts completed (gold star) 
DCrank  AOCrank Scores  Stars   ok%     ----- Code Parts OK -----       Name
0       ---     ----    ----    ---     ----*----*----*----*----*       --- DC Members ---
1       7       7361    50      100     3333333333333333333333333       abdul-manaan
2       8       7296    50      100     3333333333333333333333333       Yuval Golan
3       9       5310    36      72      3333333333333331331------       JFerreB
4       11      2598    18      36      333333333----------------       Peter Zubiago
5       13      2537    17      34      333333331----------------       Oskari Kosonen
6       14      2052    14      28      3333313---1--------------       Keith Avery
7       15      1928    13      26      3333331------------------       Jani Hurskainen
8       17      1639    11      22      333311--1----------------       Ivo ver eecke
9       18      1278    9       18      33331--------------------       TylerFeldhege
10      21      875     6       12      333----------------------       rhodery
11      23      695     5       10      331----------------------       Chris Marais
12      24      565     4       8       33-----------------------       Oliver Wilms
13      ---     ----    ----    ---     -------------------------       --- ISC internals ---
14      2       7592    50      100     3333333333333333333333333       TestSet 1
15      3       7545    50      100     3333333333333333333333333       TestSet 2
16      22      811     6       12      333----------------------       Junhee Lee
17      ---     ----    ----    ---     -------------------------       --- unknow in DC ---
18      1       7683    50      100     3333333333333333333333333       Dominik Znidar
19      4       7540    50      100     3333333333333333333333333       Joaquin Derrac Rus
20      5       7539    50      100     3333333333333333333333333       Jarjar 314
21      6       7527    50      100     3333333333333333333333333       (anonymous user #1128565)
22      10      3295    23      46      3333313-1331311----------       (anonymous user #4293990)
23      12      2569    18      36      33333-331-1-3------------       Sloan Kanaski
24      16      1902    13      26      33331111--1--------------       Chhayank Warad
25      19      1083    8       16      3333---------------------       Noah Dohrmann
26      20      1064    8       16      3333---------------------       (anonymous user #214666)
27      25      427     3       6       31-----------------------       Gary Nguyen
28 Rows(s) Affected
UTC 2024-12-30 08:28:42
EST 2024-12-30 03:28:42

Hi @Jeffrey Drumm ;
different approach: use your own datatype that always returns fixed MAXLEN string:


/// Make fixlength String according to MAXLEN parameter
Class rcc.GetFix Extends %Library.String
/// Fill value <var>%val</var> to <a href="#MAXLEN">MAXLEN</a> characters.
Method Get() As %String [ CodeMode = generator, ServerOnly = 1 ]
	set code="$e(%val_"""_$j("",+%parameter("MAXLEN"))
	set code=code_""",1,"_+%parameter("MAXLEN")_")"
	$$$GENERATE( "  Quit "_code)

and a test class:

Class rcc.FixTest Extends %RegisteredObject
Property test As rcc.GetFix(MAXLEN = 12);

and now some check from terminal:

SAMPLES>set z=##class(rcc.FixTest).%New() set z.test="rob"
SAMPLES>write z.test,$L(z.test)
rob         12

SAMPLES>;some oversized string
SAMPLES>set z.test=";some oversized string"
SAMPLES>write z.test,$L(z.test)
;some oversi12

Hope this helps you along

  • .MAC  and much more .INT  are an almost 1:1 image of the runtime .OBJ code
  • they get implicitely compiled by ZSAVE command
  • while any .CLS gets first stored with a lot of internal parameters where XML is faster than UDL
  • then it's translated to .INT(at least) including all extra params,  
  • and inherited pieces and other features for comfort 
  • and then compiled as any other .INT for the final .OBJ 

So comparing .CLS  to .MAC/.INT is like comparing a goat to the final cheese you buy.