Overall a nice idea.
the package still needs some polishing to convince

suggestion1:  fix issue to build clean docker
suggestion2:  re-enable Start+Stop message so uses see it was moving
suggestion3:  show which class you check , kind of work log
suggestion4:  also step into sub-packages e.g. not just rcc but also rcc.unittests. codeinspector could be a good start
sugesstion5: allow also MAC, INT, INC code to be checked 

I use it since Caché 2014.* at least.
this just the latest documentation.
What's the purpose of the semicolon ?  SELECT Name,Home_State FROM Sample.Person   ;
for TEMP table see: https://docs.intersystems.com/iris20242/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=RSQL_createtable#RSQL_createtable_desc_temp

Before collecting all pieces in the Stores Procedure
I'd suggest to test you queries isolated im SMP or from terminal in SQL shell