Thanks Vitaliy for the suggestion, %ScrollableResultSet  is works for the Cache SQL. We are actually fetching multiple Resultsets and not working as expected for language=tsql.

ClassMethod tt() [ Language = tsql, SqlName = mycls, SqlProc ]
    SELECT Name FROM sample_SQL.NewClass4
    SELECT Name, Age FROM sample_SQL.NewClass5

 set results=##class(%ScrollableResultSet).%New()
 set tsc = results.Prepare("call sample_SQL.MYCLS()")
 if $$$ISERR(tsc) W $SYSTEM.OBJ.DisplayError(tsc)
 do results.Execute()
 ERROR #6048: Invalid Statement Type: 'CALL'1

If you're receiving unexpected fields(key value pairs) as part of the JSON and the properties are not included in the class definition. You need to add the below parameter in your class definition(%JSON.Adaptor extended class). This will ignore loading the unexpected field.


In addition, The JSON key-value pair data type should match with class definition property datatype.