go to post Arto Alatalo · Feb 25, 2023 That's weird, ##class(loggpro.IndexTest).%BuildIndices() indeed recreates the index properly. But the way I do it, with Portal's SQL, Rebuild Index just wipes the index out. Please check how Portal works for you.
go to post Arto Alatalo · Feb 24, 2023 Now all my fields are of type %Library.Integer but Rebuild Index still just deletes ^mytest("idx"). Does Rebuild Index work for you?
go to post Arto Alatalo · Feb 23, 2023 Here it is. InsertData properly creates both ^mytest("data") and ^mytest("idx"). Rebuild Index does nothing except deletes ^mytest("idx"). Class loggpro.IndexTest Extends %Persistent [ ClassType = persistent, ProcedureBlock, SqlCategory = INTEGER, StorageStrategy = itemstore ] { Property aaa; Property bbb; Index prim On aaa [ IdKey, PrimaryKey ]; Index idxBbb On bbb; ClassMethod InsertData() { for a=1:1:10 { s o=##class(loggpro.IndexTest).%New() s o.aaa=a s o.bbb=a+100 d o.%Save() } } Storage itemstore { <SQLMap name="indexmap"> <Global>^mytest</Global> <PopulationType>full</PopulationType> <Subscript name="1"> <Expression>"idx"</Expression> </Subscript> <Subscript name="2"> <Expression>{bbb}</Expression> </Subscript> <Subscript name="3"> <Expression>{aaa}</Expression> </Subscript> <Type>index</Type> </SQLMap> <SQLMap name="itemmap"> <Data name="bbb"> <Node>"bbb"</Node> </Data> <Global>^mytest</Global> <Subscript name="1"> <Expression>"data"</Expression> </Subscript> <Subscript name="2"> <Expression>{aaa}</Expression> </Subscript> <Type>data</Type> </SQLMap> <StreamLocation>^CacheTemp</StreamLocation> <Type>%CacheSQLStorage</Type> } }
go to post Arto Alatalo · Feb 20, 2023 I have a question regarding to the indexing: for me example shown in the article works fine, the index global is populated property for inserted records but then I have two problems: - Rebuild Index just deletes the whole index global and creates nothing instead. - Show Plan indicates that my index cannot be used directly when selecting on the indexed property. Instead, the executor has to create a temporary map applying %SQLUPPER to the property. Any advice how to make fully compatible index? Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2018.1.5
go to post Arto Alatalo · Mar 10, 2022 Hi Robert, JRNDUMP does solve the timeout issue, but searching with it looks really challenging.
go to post Arto Alatalo · Nov 1, 2021 I've never worked with NET client but I suppose it works on request/response principle, so it is not possible to get async call from the database.
go to post Arto Alatalo · Aug 23, 2021 Great article! Thank you for sharing your experience and thoughts with us.
go to post Arto Alatalo · Jun 6, 2020 minimum platform version of InterSystems IRIS 2018.1 Porting old apps with a framework available on new version of the platform (IRIS) only, no contradictions here? :) Is there something fundamental preventing the framework from being used on Cache too?
go to post Arto Alatalo · May 20, 2020 @Murray Oldfield I'm getting similar error with latest container version: ValueError: time data '19.05.2020' does not match format '%d/%m/%Y' 19.05.2020 00:00:00 avg-cpu: %user %nice %system %iowait %steal %idle 0,75 0,00 0,10 0,04 0,00 99,11
go to post Arto Alatalo · May 16, 2020 @Murray Oldfield Current version of documentation says regarding to the update https://cedocs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/Doc.View.cls?KEY=GCM_pbuttons#GCM_pButtons_runsmpThis utility may be updated between releases. The latest version is available on the WRC distribution site under Tools The xml indeed can be downloaded from WRC but no word neither about pButtons version not the way to install it. Should I simple import the xml into %SYS?
go to post Arto Alatalo · May 13, 2020 Hi Daniel, well, my problem is as simple as this: I have data of same structure stored in two different globals and I want to read it with SQL-mapped storage. It would be too boring to have two identical classes with the only difference in the location.
go to post Arto Alatalo · May 8, 2020 Oho, that's interesting. I've never heard about NextCode feature. Thank you. Global name indeed can be passed with a class parameter this way <NextCode>s {L1}=$o(@("^"_##class(Mapping.TwoGlobals).#TableName)@({L1})) </NextCode> but the query execution fails with a SYNTAX error that I haven't solved so far.
go to post Arto Alatalo · May 6, 2020 With IS support's help this issue is solved now. There were some mistakes in the installation of the Cache instance causing some permission troubles. Thanks for your time.
go to post Arto Alatalo · May 5, 2020 Thank you for this interesting info. But indeed on first place I'm interested to know why the system always worked fine on Windows (with very same load) but fails on Linux.
go to post Arto Alatalo · May 5, 2020 Thank you Nick. I've checked the log and have found exactly same reason: oom-killer killed a Cache process. How did you solved the problem? Do you know why Cache eats memory over the limits at first place?