Here it is. InsertData properly creates both ^mytest("data") and ^mytest("idx"). Rebuild Index does nothing except deletes ^mytest("idx").

Class loggpro.IndexTest Extends %Persistent [ ClassType = persistent, ProcedureBlock, SqlCategory = INTEGER, StorageStrategy = itemstore ]

Property aaa;
Property bbb;
Index prim On aaa [ IdKey, PrimaryKey ];
Index idxBbb On bbb;

ClassMethod InsertData()
	for a=1:1:10 {	
		s o=##class(loggpro.IndexTest).%New()
		s o.bbb=a+100
		d o.%Save()

Storage itemstore
<SQLMap name="indexmap">
<Subscript name="1">
<Subscript name="2">
<Subscript name="3">
<SQLMap name="itemmap">
<Data name="bbb">
<Subscript name="1">
<Subscript name="2">


I have a question regarding to the indexing: for me example shown in the article works fine, the index global is populated property for inserted records but then I have two problems:

- Rebuild Index just deletes the whole index global and creates nothing instead.

- Show Plan indicates that my index cannot be used directly when selecting on the indexed property. Instead, the executor has to create a temporary map applying %SQLUPPER to the property.

Any advice how to make fully compatible index?

Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2018.1.5

@Murray Oldfield 
Current version of documentation says regarding to the update
This utility may be updated between releases. The latest version is available on the WRC distribution site under Tools

The xml indeed can be downloaded from WRC but no word neither about pButtons version not the way to install it. Should I simple import the xml into %SYS?