· May 17, 2018
cannot connect to Caché


I cannot connect to Caché sometimes, the error message is

[Cache JDBC] Communication link failure: Communication error: Connection reset

and I cannot access the management portal

so I plan to restart Caché with "ccontrol stop cache", it prompted "unable to get access to pid table"

what's the problem?


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· Nov 20, 2017
how to release row lock?

I have restored one database from backup, but when I query from some of tables, prompt error :

this error remain after restart Caché service

I can skip this error with %nolock in select query.

My question is:

1. why there were locks after restart service?

2. Can I release/rollback these locks by sql so I can query without %nolock?

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· Jul 22, 2017
select sql error


I execute sql like this: select * from DHC_PatBillDetails where PBD_PBO_ParRef>='2046121'

error message:

but the sql: select * from DHC_PatBillDetails where PBD_PBO_ParRef='2046121' can be executed successfully


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· Jul 18, 2017
how to release memory for process?


I query large mount of rows from one table with JDBC, and will prompt <store> error. I found that it was out of process memory (default 16M, max 49M in version 2010.2) .

so my question is : how to release memory for large mount of rows query? or how to resolve this error?

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· Jul 10, 2017
How to encrypt column value in sql?


I want to update some columns in one table like this:

    update table1 set col1=%SYSTEM.Encryption_AESCBCEncrypt(col1, 'key')

but the error is

ERROR #5540: SQLCODE: -359 Message: User defined SQL Function '%SYSTEM.ENCRYPTION_AESCBCENCRYPT' does not exist

what's the corect syntax? Thanks!

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I restored one database on Server B with EXTSELCT^DBREST command from backup file (this backup file is taken from Server A).

When I execute select some rows from one table, it return error like this,

the same select sql can return correct data in server A

But when I select other rows from same table on Server B, it return correct data.

Why? maybe the backup file corrupted?


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I want to online backup one Caché database by windows bat, I find some article from the online documentation about terminal script and the ^DBACK tool and External Entry Points for ^DBACK, so I can invoke the External Entry Points for ^DBACK from terminal script like this: send: Do BACKUP^DBACK<CR>

Is there other better way for backup database from bat/script?


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