Good morning, everyone

I purchased an HP LaserJet M101-M106 printer, and I'm trying to print via the Windows cache device, but I can't get it to work.
I can send it, but it doesn't print.
Physical device name: |PRN|HP LaserJet M101-M106
Type: Other
Subtype: P-DEC
Open Parameters: “W”

Could someone help me with what might be happening?

Otherwise, thanks


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0 32
· Dec 1, 2021
web development

Hello everybody

I'm in need of a lot of help from you.
I work in a company with all system cached script, using global.

I need to develop web applications accessing the cache database, and global.

Could you help me indicate the best language option to develop web applications, and easier to access cache, and if possible send me some examples of applications accessing globals.

I thank you all.


0 3
0 392
· Sep 15, 2021
day of the month

Hello everyone
I use cache script, I would like to know from you if there is any function or class in the cache where I can get the start and end date of a given month:
Example: What is the first and last day of the month of February 2015.


0 9
1 506
· Jun 21, 2018

Hello everyone

I have a problem with $ ZF (-1)

I need to delete file from windows folder example c: \ sys \ text.txt, when executing the w $ zf (-1, "c: \ sys \ text.txt") command, the file does not delete.
There is some other cache command that performs this task.



0 8
0 1.2K
· Mar 26, 2018
error compilation studio

Good morning, employees

I'm having trouble compiling in studio, I already reported it to intersystems support, but it did not solve the problem.

when calling a method of a class by putting $, follows an example:

0 4
0 280
· Apr 29, 2017

Hello friends,
I am having the following problem when passing a parameter in the execution of a zen query?
If the parameter has more than 50 characters of the error.
Http://"José Roberval Benedito da Silveira Gonçalves Sobrinho "

Is there a configuration or solution to this problem?


Davidson Espindola

0 5
0 697
· Mar 3, 2017
zen report

Hi, all

I have the following problem in generating a PDF report in ZEN, which has many items, a general total of approximately 30,000 items, but gives an error, I can generate a report with a maximum of 8,000 items, which may be wrong.

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0 1.6K