Things have slightly changed from our side. 

  • initially used JSON to serialize data and pass it as a parameter to an INSERT statement. 
  • Recently, we switched to storing XML data instead of JSON, and I am now trying to store this XML using the stored procedure
set tQuery="{ CALL dbo.SavePatientDetails (?) }"

Set tSC = ..Adapter.ExecuteProcedure(.tResultSnapshots, .tOutputParms, tQuery,,xmlContent)


  • Parameterized Query: Works fine when using VARCHAR(8000) as the parameter type in the stored procedure.
  • Fails when using NVARCHAR(MAX) as the parameter type for passing XML data. The issue appears only when using the NVARCHAR(MAX) type, and I am unable to insert the XML content.

Your input is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help!

Hi Julian,

This is the code activity from BPL.

<code xpos='200' ypos='750' >

<![CDATA[ set sc=..SendRequestSync("XXX Operation",context.XXDocument)]]>



xx.ContextResponseHandlers.1 Compiling routine xx.Thread1.1 ERROR: xx.Thread1.cls(S7+17) : MPP5376 : Method or Property 'SendRequestSync' does not exist in this class. TEXT: set sc=..SendRequestSync("XXX Operation",context.XXXDocument) Compiling routine XX.Thread1ChildThreads.1 Compiling routine XX.Thread1PendingResponses.1 Compiling routine XX.Thread1SyncResponses.1 Detected 1 errors during compilation in 1.160s.

@Ashok Kumar <assign property="context.sqlquery" value="&quot;select surname from Reports where Discipline = ?&quot;" action="set" xpos='200' ypos='550' />                                             <assign property="context.tResult" value="##Class(%SQL.Statement).%ExecDirect(,context.sqlquery,context.ReportDiscipline)" action="set" xpos='200' ypos='650' />. This is how my sql query looks like. This doesnt works with parameter in where condition. Any thoughts?

I have a set of labreports saved in db.I need to retreive this data from db and also trace the value of each column. 

/// BPL to send results via Webservice

Class Result Extends Ens.BusinessProcessBPL


Storage Default




/// BPL Definition

XData BPL [ XMLNamespace = "" ]


<process language='objectscript' request='Ens.Request' response='Ens.Response' height='2000' width='2000' >


<property name='Forename' type='%String' instantiate='0' >


<parameter name='MAXLEN'  value='50' />



<property name='Surname' type='%String' instantiate='0' >


<parameter name='MAXLEN'  value='50' />



<property name='ReportDiscipline' type='%String' instantiate='0' >


<parameter name='MAXLEN'  value='50' />




<sequence xend='200' yend='850' >

<trace name='TEMP trace element' value='"In business process "_request.StringValue' xpos='200' ypos='250' />

<assign property="context.ReportDiscipline" value="request.StringValue" action="set" xpos='200' ypos='350' />

<trace value='"ReportDiscipline value: "_context.ReportDiscipline' xpos='200' ypos='450' />

<sql xpos='200' ypos='550' >


SELECT Forename,Surname INTO :context.Forename,:context.Surname

FROM LabReports

WHERE Discipline =:context.ReportDiscipline]]>


<trace value='"SQLCODE: "_SQLCODE' xpos='200' ypos='650' />

<trace value='"returned value: "_context.Forename' xpos='200' ypos='750' />





@Cristiano Silva 
this is how my BPL class looks like now. Now the sql code returns nothings though it shows correct value when parameter value is hardcoded. I wanted to retreive resultset and loop over it, to trace each of the values for now.