go to post Nimisha Joseph · Dec 10, 2024 @Enrico Parisi No, NVARCHAR(8000) this doesn't work either. I am using ensemble 2018 and database is SQL Server Management Studio 20
go to post Nimisha Joseph · Dec 10, 2024 Things have slightly changed from our side. initially used JSON to serialize data and pass it as a parameter to an INSERT statement. Recently, we switched to storing XML data instead of JSON, and I am now trying to store this XML using the stored procedure set tQuery="{ CALL dbo.SavePatientDetails (?) }" Set tSC = ..Adapter.ExecuteProcedure(.tResultSnapshots, .tOutputParms, tQuery,,xmlContent) Problem: Parameterized Query: Works fine when using VARCHAR(8000) as the parameter type in the stored procedure. Fails when using NVARCHAR(MAX) as the parameter type for passing XML data. The issue appears only when using the NVARCHAR(MAX) type, and I am unable to insert the XML content. Your input is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help!
go to post Nimisha Joseph · Dec 2, 2024 There are no errors returned. An empty string is being inserted into the database field, even though the trace shows the JSON correctly as {"CHI":"2894","Forename":"Janis"}.
go to post Nimisha Joseph · Mar 1, 2024 @Mathew Burt Hi, what is the BuildMap actually doing, is it modifying the structure of HL7? 'coz I had a zwrite on HL7 message before and after GetvalueAt()(which internally uses Buildmap())and the result was diffferent
go to post Nimisha Joseph · Dec 22, 2023 @Julian Matthews I already tried using call activity with sync.I'm using a %SQL.StatementResult to loop through rows and make synchronous web service calls. The problem I'm facing is that this loop works only for the first iteration. If I set the call to be asynchronous,it iterates through all the rows correctly.
go to post Nimisha Joseph · Dec 22, 2023 Hi Julian, This is the code activity from BPL. <code xpos='200' ypos='750' > <![CDATA[ set sc=..SendRequestSync("XXX Operation",context.XXDocument)]]> </code> Error: xx.ContextResponseHandlers.1 Compiling routine xx.Thread1.1 ERROR: xx.Thread1.cls(S7+17) : MPP5376 : Method or Property 'SendRequestSync' does not exist in this class. TEXT: set sc=..SendRequestSync("XXX Operation",context.XXXDocument) Compiling routine XX.Thread1ChildThreads.1 Compiling routine XX.Thread1PendingResponses.1 Compiling routine XX.Thread1SyncResponses.1 Detected 1 errors during compilation in 1.160s.
go to post Nimisha Joseph · Dec 20, 2023 @Ashok Kumar yes, this code works. But Im using a <sync> activity in conjuction with call activity inside a loop in BPL. The call activity is asynchronous and its completion is being waited upon by the sync activity, it might be preventing the loop from moving to the next iteration.
go to post Nimisha Joseph · Nov 28, 2023 @Ashok Kumar <assign property="context.sqlquery" value=""select surname from Reports where Discipline = ?"" action="set" xpos='200' ypos='550' /> <assign property="context.tResult" value="##Class(%SQL.Statement).%ExecDirect(,context.sqlquery,context.ReportDiscipline)" action="set" xpos='200' ypos='650' />. This is how my sql query looks like. This doesnt works with parameter in where condition. Any thoughts?
go to post Nimisha Joseph · Nov 28, 2023 Hi @Ashok Kumar that was helpful, thank you. But when creating the tResult context variable, I could only see StatementColumn StatementObject StatementParameter these many types. Also, could you please advice on how to pass context variable in where condition of this sql query. Many thanks,
go to post Nimisha Joseph · Nov 26, 2023 I have a set of labreports saved in db.I need to retreive this data from db and also trace the value of each column. /// BPL to send results via Webservice Class Result Extends Ens.BusinessProcessBPL { Storage Default { <Type>%Library.CacheStorage</Type> } /// BPL Definition XData BPL [ XMLNamespace = "http://www.intersystems.com/bpl" ] { <process language='objectscript' request='Ens.Request' response='Ens.Response' height='2000' width='2000' > <context> <property name='Forename' type='%String' instantiate='0' > <parameters> <parameter name='MAXLEN' value='50' /> </parameters> </property> <property name='Surname' type='%String' instantiate='0' > <parameters> <parameter name='MAXLEN' value='50' /> </parameters> </property> <property name='ReportDiscipline' type='%String' instantiate='0' > <parameters> <parameter name='MAXLEN' value='50' /> </parameters> </property> </context> <sequence xend='200' yend='850' > <trace name='TEMP trace element' value='"In business process "_request.StringValue' xpos='200' ypos='250' /> <assign property="context.ReportDiscipline" value="request.StringValue" action="set" xpos='200' ypos='350' /> <trace value='"ReportDiscipline value: "_context.ReportDiscipline' xpos='200' ypos='450' /> <sql xpos='200' ypos='550' > <![CDATA[ SELECT Forename,Surname INTO :context.Forename,:context.Surname FROM LabReports WHERE Discipline =:context.ReportDiscipline]]> </sql> <trace value='"SQLCODE: "_SQLCODE' xpos='200' ypos='650' /> <trace value='"returned value: "_context.Forename' xpos='200' ypos='750' /> </sequence> </process> } } @Cristiano Silva this is how my BPL class looks like now. Now the sql code returns nothings though it shows correct value when parameter value is hardcoded. I wanted to retreive resultset and loop over it, to trace each of the values for now.