Question Nimisha Joseph · Dec 2, 2024 Issue with Parameterized Queries in EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter - Ensemble Hi everyone, I’m using EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter in my InterSystems Ensemble operation to execute an insert statement in Sql Server Management Studio 20. While inline queries (e.g., constructing the query string with _ concatenation) work fine, I'm facing issues when trying to use parameterized queries. Serialized JSON: {"CHI":"2894","Forename":"Janis"} #SQL #Ensemble 0 10 0 95
Question Nimisha Joseph · Apr 17, 2024 Setting up System Default Settings for Ens.Alert Component in Ensemble 2018 Hi, I'm currently working on configuring an Ens.Alert component within Ensemble 2018, and I'm looking to set up a system default settings for it. Could anyone guide me through the process of setting up these default setting for the Ens.Alert component? Thank you in advance! #System Alerting and Monitoring (SAM) #Ensemble 0 1 0 98
Question Nimisha Joseph · Apr 8, 2024 How to send ens.alerts to MS teams Hi, I'm trying to send alerts in Ens.Alert process to a teams channel. I have already created a production that transforms the incoming alerts and send to a set of user's email but I also wanted to sent it to the teams channel Any thoughts around this? #Business Operation #Ensemble 0 3 0 145
Question Nimisha Joseph · Feb 29, 2024 Issue Encountered When Calling getValueAt() on ORU_R01 HL7 Message to XML Conversion I'm facing an issue while converting an ORU_R01 HL7 message to XML, specifically with the <pidgrpgrp> kind elements. When I use the getvalueat() method before conversion, the XML includes the <pidgrpgrp> and other <grp> elements, but when I don't use the getvalueat() method, the XML is generated without these <grp>elements. #Debugging #HL7 #Unstructured Data #Ensemble 0 1 0 165
Question Nimisha Joseph · Feb 5, 2024 How to unit test BPL Hi, How can I effectively unit test a Business Process Language(BPL) that incorporates three code activities calling methods from distinct ObjectScript classes?. Appreciate any insights or examples. Thanks, Nimisha #Business Process (BPL) #Testing #Ensemble 0 2 0 243
Question Nimisha Joseph · Jan 18, 2024 Error Connecting VSCode to Local Ensemble Server After Uninstallation Hi All, I have recently uninstalled and re installed my ensemble and then are facing issues reconnecting VSCode to the local server. The steps taken: - Opened the project folder -Tried to connect to the server and namespace. -Encountered a "NOT FOUND" error after providing the password. Any leads are highly appreciated! Thanks, #Ensemble 0 5 0 162
Question Nimisha Joseph · Jan 17, 2024 Need Help Uninstalling Ensemble Software Hi everyone, I'm facing issues uninstalling Ensemble software from my system. I've tried using the command first ensemble-2018. /instance LOCALENSEMBLE /qn REMOVE=ALL. Additionally, when I try to uninstall it through Settings > Apps and Features, it doesn't get removed and lists the app again there. Has anyone encountered a similar problem or could provide guidance on the proper uninstallation process for Ensemble? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! #Ensemble 0 1 0 136
Question Nimisha Joseph · Jan 4, 2024 XSLT for FOP Hi, Im using an ORU_R01 2.3.1 message for converting to pdf. For the stylesheet, i need all the OBX segments under each OBR segment with custom table headers. Can anyone help me with the xslt? #XML #Ensemble 0 1 0 161
Question Nimisha Joseph · Dec 22, 2023 Trouble Accessing SendRequestSync() in BPL Code Activity Hi , I'm currently working on a BPL (Business Process Language) in InterSystems Ensemble, and I'm facing an issue when trying to call the SendRequestSync() method within a code activity. My understanding is that SendRequestSync() is part of Ens.BusinessProcess, and since Ens.BusinessProcessBPL extends Ens.BusinessProcess, I believe it should be accessible. However, during compilation, I'm encountering an error stating that the method doesn't exist in the class. #Business Process (BPL) #Ensemble 0 4 0 217
Question Nimisha Joseph · Dec 19, 2023 ##Class(%SQL.Statement).%ExecDirect(,,,) in BPL Hi, I'm currently working on a Business Process Language (BPL) project where I'm using ##Class(%SQL.Statement).%ExecDirect to execute a SQL query. The query returns more than one row, and I'm facing an issue in handling the result set. <property name='tResult' type='%SQL.StatementResult' instantiate='0' /> #Business Process (BPL) #Ensemble 0 4 0 258
Question Nimisha Joseph · Dec 6, 2023 Raw HL7 message content into an EnsLib.HL7.Message Hi there, I'm working on a project where I retrieve RawHL7 message(ORU R01 2.3.1) content from a database in a BPL. I've created a context object of type Enslib.HL7.Message, and I need to populate it with the contents from the RawHL7 message so that I can use this context object as source for my DTL transformation. Does anyone have suggestions on the best approach to achieve this? I'm looking for guidance on how to efficiently transfer the data from the RawHL7 message to the context object. Thanks in advance for your help! #Business Process (BPL) #DTL #HL7 #Ensemble 0 3 0 459
Question Nimisha Joseph · Nov 23, 2023 SQL Query in BPL I'm pretty new to ensemble.I'm working on a BPL process where I need to retrieve a result set from an SQL activity, loop over the results, and call a web service. I'm having trouble passing the request parameter(Labtype) into the SQL query for the WHERE condition .Can any one suggest how to loop over the result set as well.Any suggestions on how I can achieve it? #Business Process (BPL) #Ensemble 0 7 0 412