Hi, it's been quite a while since this question but yesterday I had the same problem and I'd like to share how I managed to solve it.

First of all, I have created a simple unauthenticated Web Application where the dispatch class it the EnsLib.REST.GenericService in order to user the simpler and cleaner architecture.

Then, after processing the HTTP request, I generate the HTTP response through a Business Process where I have declared the following parameters:

Parameter CONTENTTYPEJSON As STRING = "application/json";
Parameter HTTP200OK As STRING = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK";
Parameter HTTP202ACCEPTED As STRING = "HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted";
Parameter HTTP400BADREQUEST As STRING = "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request";
Parameter HTTP500INTERNALSERVERERROR As STRING = "HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error";

It is important that the parameters related to the status line starts with "HTTP/1.1", since it is this statement that enable the return of the correct HTTP status.

Finally, I generate the response as shown:

Set ContentType = ..#CONTENTTYPEJSON
Set HTTPStatus = 500

; Format the json with the correct indentation
Set jsonFormatter = ##class(%JSON.Formatter).%New()
Set pStream = ##class(%Stream.GlobalCharacter).%New()
Set sc = jsonFormatter.FormatToStream(json, .pStream)

; Generate an HTTP response message
Set pResponse = ##class(EnsLib.HTTP.GenericMessage).%New(pStream)

; Add headers to the HTTP response
Set sc = pResponse.HTTPHeaders.SetAt(StatusLine,"StatusLine")
Set sc = pResponse.HTTPHeaders.SetAt(HTTPStatus,"StatusCode")
Set sc = pResponse.HTTPHeaders.SetAt(ContentType, "Content-Type")

; I tested it with the following HTTP codes either and it works: 
;   202 / ..#HTTP202ACCEPTED
;   200 / ..#HTTP200OK
;   etc...

I tested with HTTP statuses 200, 202 and 500, but I'm pretty sure it will work with other statuses as well.

Hello Ashok, this is a great article, thanks for sharing it!

However, I would like to ask how to create an oref using a property index. For example, considering the class:

Class User.Test Extends %Persistent

Property Code As %String(MAXLEN = 50) [ Required ];
Index CodeIdx On CodeIdx [ Unique ];

In ObjectScript I can use the following syntax to open the oref using its ID: 

set obj = ##class(User.Test).CodeIdxOpen(ID)

In the same way I can use the CodeIdxDelete or CodeIdxExists as well.

I was wondering how to obtain the same result in Embedded Python.

Hello Brett, thank you so much for the suggestions. I've installed Wireshark but, since I've never used it before, I find it a bit tricky. Do you have any advice on how to use it to capture the network trace from Visual Studio Code during saving operations?

P.S. actually I have the same identical issue with Codeium and I tried to contact them but they've never answered me :(
Luckily today a free version of GitHub Copilot which is working with ObjectScript has just been released

I've probably found something.

In the "Window" panel of Output in VSC I've found the following error message: 

Which is reported here:

2024-12-17 13:10:51.455 [error] [unknown] parse "isfs://fpg_base:drugstock/Custom/Production/DrugStock/BO/TrakCareToOracleOAPPS.cls": invalid port ":drugstock" after host: parse "isfs://fpg_base:drugstock/Custom/Production/DrugStock/BO/TrakCareToOracleOAPPS.cls": invalid port ":drugstock" after host: ConnectError: [unknown] parse "isfs://fpg_base:drugstock/Custom/Production/DrugStock/BO/TrakCareToOracleOAPPS.cls": invalid port ":drugstock" after host: parse "isfs://fpg_base:drugstock/Custom/Production/DrugStock/BO/TrakCareToOracleOAPPS.cls": invalid port ":drugstock" after host
	at u (c:\Users\p.dileo\.vscode\extensions\codeium.codeium-1.30.2\dist\extension.js:2:4786920)
	at t.errorFromJsonBytes (c:\Users\p.dileo\.vscode\extensions\codeium.codeium-1.30.2\dist\extension.js:2:4787822)
	at next (c:\Users\p.dileo\.vscode\extensions\codeium.codeium-1.30.2\dist\extension.js:2:4806907)
	at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
	at async Object.unary (c:\Users\p.dileo\.vscode\extensions\codeium.codeium-1.30.2\dist\extension.js:2:4805632)
	at async Object.getClassInfos (c:\Users\p.dileo\.vscode\extensions\codeium.codeium-1.30.2\dist\extension.js:2:4781046)

The issue is probably caused by the following connection error: 

ConnectError: [unknown] parse "isfs://fpg_base:drugstock/Custom/Production/DrugStock/BO/TrakCareToOracleOAPPS.cls": invalid port ":drugstock" after host

It seems like vsc is trying to connect to the server using the namespace name (DRUGSTOCK) as the port. 

This is the configuration I'm currently using for this server, stored inside the settings.json file: 

        "fpg_base": {
            "webServer": {
                "scheme": "http",
                "host": <ip address>,
                "port": 52773
            "description": "...",
            "username": <my username here>

What can I do to address this issue? 

Hello Brett,
thank you for your response. Actually, I tried compiling after modifying the qualifiers but it is still not possible to compile the class through VSC. I believe you're right and the issue may be a communication error between VSC and the server.
Which panel of the Output Panel I should look into? Because the ObjectScript Panel does not show anything.

Ciao Enrico, 

thanks for your response. However, I identified and solved the issue. It was a bit tricky to find because, basically, who developed this REST interface before, returned a response through the following statements:

Set ListaPrenotazioni   = ##class(%Library.ListOfDataTypes).%New()
 [... Populate the list of data types ...]
Do ##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonProvider).%WriteJSONStreamFromObject(.jsonStream,ListaPrenotazioni,,,,"eu")
Do jsonStream.Rewind()
Do jsonStream.OutputToDevice() 

Since at first I put my statements after this code (before OutputToDevice()), I wasn't able to modify the status or the header. I found it out while reading the comment to the method SetHeader, which says:

All headers must be set before the HTTP headers are written (after OnPreHTTP() completes).

It was a bit unintuitive because I didn't expected that generating the stream will prevent any further header or status modification. Basically, I solved just moving all my statements before the code that creates the variable jsonStream:

Set ListaPrenotazioni   = ##class(%Library.ListOfDataTypes).%New()
 [... Populate the list of data types ...]

[ In case of error: ]
Do %response.SetHeader("totalcount",totalcount)
Set %response.Status = ..#HTTP400BADREQUEST
[ ... ]

Do ##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonProvider).%WriteJSONStreamFromObject(.jsonStream,ListaPrenotazioni,,,,"eu")
Do jsonStream.Rewind()
Do jsonStream.OutputToDevice() 

Hi Luis, thanks for responding me. 

However, I can't find the DEQ state in the documentation. 

Available states for the "State" property of the %SYS.ProcessQuery class are: 

LOCK - Executing a Lock command
OPEN - Opening a device
CLOS - Closing a device
USE - Using a device
READ - Read command
WRT - Write command
GET - Executing a $Get on a global
GSET - Setting a global
GKLL - Killing a global
GORD - $Order on a global
GQRY - $Query on a global
GDEF - $Data on a global
ZF - Executing a $ZF command
HANG - Executing a Hang command
JOB - Executing a Job command
EXAM - Executing a variable exam
BRD - Executing a broadcast
SUSP - Process is suspended
INCR - Executing a $Increment
BSET - Set $bitset
BGET - get $bitset
EVT - Waiting on event RUN - Process is running

Recently, I asked the DC-AI where the streams formatted as %GlobalCharacterStream are saved, as since I suspected that these were responsible for a significant disk usage. 

The chatbot answered: <"Streams formatted as %GlobalCharacterStream are typically stored in the global ^CacheStream by default.">. I found out that I wasn't the only one with this problem and asked further information about the CacheStream global and how to clean it up.

The best solution to my issue was to implement a custom purge task, as I found in one of the sources the bot provided me (that provided purging code too):

1.Cleaning up CacheStream Global

2.Default Purge Does Not Delete Streams

3.A beginners guide to Orphaned data- How as a trust we cleaned up 200+gb

My overall experience with the DC-AI has been quite positive. Provided information is still closely tied to the specific answers given on the forum about the argument and could be more generalized, but I believe we're on the right way.

Links to the discussions below:



Hi Stefano,

Thank you for your response. Unfortunately, as @Enrico Parisi mentioned, OnFailureTimeout() isn't working as expected.

Nevertheless,  I managed to solve this issue by using an existing table which logs information about messages sent from the BO, a Business Service and a Business Process to initiate a parallel process alongside my ongoing transmissions.

Hi Hannah,

Thank you for your response. As you mentioned, the 'arrayref()' function is not available in IRIS 2023.1, as I suspected.

However, I managed to resolve this issue by developing a custom method to convert a Python dictionary into an ObjectScript dynamic object. I believe it works quite effectively.

I'll share the code here for anyone interested:

/// This class provides methods for working with embedded Python in various scenarios
Class Utility.Python Extends %RegisteredObject

/// ConvertPyDictToDynamicObject recursively converts a Python dictionary to an ObjectScript DynamicObject
/// Input:
/// - PythonDictionary: The Python dictionary to be converted
/// Output:
/// Returns a DynamicObject with similar structure and content of the parsed Python dictionary
ClassMethod ConvertPyDictToDynamicObject(PythonDictionary) [ Language = python ]
    import iris

    # This is a recursive function to parse a Python dictionary and convert it into an ObjectScript %DynamicObject
    # The method takes two parameters: 'data', which represents the current dictionary being parsed, and 'depth', which keeps track of the nesting level of the current data
    def parse_dictionary_to_dynamic_object(data, depth=0):
        # Create a new ObjectScript DynamicObject through iris module
        dynamic_object = iris.cls('%DynamicObject')._New()

        # If data is a dictionary, iterate through its key-value pairs
        if isinstance(data, dict):
            for key, value in data.items():
                # Recursively parse the value and set it in the DynamicObject
                parsed_value = parse_dictionary_to_dynamic_object(value, depth + 1)
                dynamic_object._Set(key, parsed_value)
        # If data is a list, create a %DynamicArray and parse each item of the list recursively
        elif isinstance(data, list):
            dynamic_array = iris.cls('%DynamicArray')._New()
            for item in data:
                parsed_item = parse_dictionary_to_dynamic_object(item, depth)
            return dynamic_array
        # If data is neither a dictionary nor a list, return the data itself
            return data

        return dynamic_object
    # Call the recursive parsing function with the input Python dictionary
    dynamic_object = parse_dictionary_to_dynamic_object(PythonDictionary)

    # Return the parsed DynamicObject
    return dynamic_object


You can easily test this method with complex dictionaries, like the one in the following example:

ClassMethod StartTestPyDictConverter()
    set dynObj = ##class(Python.MessageBuilder).TestPyDictConverter()
    w "dynObj tested",!

ClassMethod TestPyDictConverter() [ Language = python ]
    import iris

    data = {
        "person": {
            "name": "John Doe",
            "age": 30,
            "address": {
                "street": "123 Main St",
                "city": "Anytown",
                "zipcode": "12345"
            "emails": ["john@example.com", "doe@example.com"],
            "phone_numbers": [
                    "type": "home",
                    "number": "123-456-7890"
                    "type": "work",
                    "number": "987-654-3210"
            "friends": [
                    "name": "Alice",
                    "age": 28,
                    "address": {
                        "street": "456 Elm St",
                        "city": "Sometown",
                        "zipcode": "54321"
                    "emails": ["alice@example.com"],
                    "phone_numbers": [
                            "type": "mobile",
                            "number": "555-555-5555"
                    "pets": [
                            "name": "Fluffy",
                            "species": "Cat",
                            "age": 5
                            "name": "Spot",
                            "species": "Dog",
                            "age": 3
                    "name": "Bob",
                    "age": 35,
                    "address": {
                        "street": "789 Oak St",
                        "city": "Othertown",
                        "zipcode": "67890"
                    "emails": ["bob@example.com"],
                    "phone_numbers": [
                            "type": "mobile",
                            "number": "666-666-6666"
        "company": {
            "name": "Acme Corporation",
            "address": {
                "street": "456 Business Ave",
                "city": "Bigcity",
                "zipcode": "54321"
            "employees": [
                    "name": "Jane Smith",
                    "position": "Manager",
                    "age": 40,
                    "emails": ["jane@example.com"],
                    "phone_numbers": [
                            "type": "work",
                            "number": "222-222-2222"
                    "name": "Sam Johnson",
                    "position": "Developer",
                    "age": 35,
                    "emails": ["sam@example.com"],
                    "phone_numbers": [
                            "type": "work",
                            "number": "333-333-3333"

    dynObj = iris.cls('Utility.Python').ConvertPyDictToDynamicObject(data)

    return dynObj

I've tested it even with more complex dictionaries, like FHIR JSON, and it worked fine.

For example, this is a screenshot from my VSC Debugger: 

Hello, I encountered a similar issue but managed to resolve it.

If you were connected directly to the server-side folders, try the following steps: 
1. Click: View -> Command Palette -> Open Workspace Settings (JSON) 

2. In the "folders" property of the JSON you should see something like: 

"folders": [
		"name": "<server_folder_name>:<namespace>",
		"uri": "isfs://<server_name>:<namespace>/"

3. Try replacing the old one with the new one. 

If you were working on a local folder that was connected to a server, you should have a .vscode folder in your VSC workspace.

1. Try editing the settings.json file inside the folder. You should see something similar to: 

"objectscript.conn": {
    "server": "<server name>",
    "ns": "<namespace name>",
    "active": true

2. Edit the connection with the name of the server you want to reach