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Rome, Italy
Member since Jul 24, 2023
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Hello Brett, thank you so much for the suggestions. I've installed Wireshark but, since I've never used it before, I find it a bit tricky. Do you have any advice on how to use it to capture the network trace from Visual Studio Code during saving operations?

P.S. actually I have the same identical issue with Codeium and I tried to contact them but they've never answered me :(
Luckily today a free version of GitHub Copilot which is working with ObjectScript has just been released

I've probably found something.

In the "Window" panel of Output in VSC I've found the following error message: 

Which is reported here:

2024-12-17 13:10:51.455 [error] [unknown] parse "isfs://fpg_base:drugstock/Custom/Production/DrugStock/BO/TrakCareToOracleOAPPS.cls": invalid port ":drugstock" after host: parse "isfs://fpg_base:drugstock/Custom/Production/DrugStock/BO/TrakCareToOracleOAPPS.cls": invalid port ":drugstock" after host: ConnectError: [unknown] parse "isfs://fpg_base:drugstock/Custom/Production/DrugStock/BO/TrakCareToOracleOAPPS.cls": invalid port ":drugstock" after host: parse "isfs://fpg_base:drugstock/Custom/Production/DrugStock/BO/TrakCareToOracleOAPPS.cls": invalid port ":drugstock" after host
	at u (c:\Users\p.dileo\.vscode\extensions\codeium.codeium-1.30.2\dist\extension.js:2:4786920)
	at t.errorFromJsonBytes (c:\Users\p.dileo\.vscode\extensions\codeium.codeium-1.30.2\dist\extension.js:2:4787822)
	at next (c:\Users\p.dileo\.vscode\extensions\codeium.codeium-1.30.2\dist\extension.js:2:4806907)
	at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
	at async Object.unary (c:\Users\p.dileo\.vscode\extensions\codeium.codeium-1.30.2\dist\extension.js:2:4805632)
	at async Object.getClassInfos (c:\Users\p.dileo\.vscode\extensions\codeium.codeium-1.30.2\dist\extension.js:2:4781046)
Shell Session
Shell Session

The issue is probably caused by the following connection error: 

ConnectError: [unknown] parse "isfs://fpg_base:drugstock/Custom/Production/DrugStock/BO/TrakCareToOracleOAPPS.cls": invalid port ":drugstock" after host

It seems like vsc is trying to connect to the server using the namespace name (DRUGSTOCK) as the port. 

This is the configuration I'm currently using for this server, stored inside the settings.json file: 

        "fpg_base": {
            "webServer": {
                "scheme": "http",
                "host": <ip address>,
                "port": 52773
            "description": "...",
            "username": <my username here>

What can I do to address this issue? 

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