
I want to refresh the data in the databases from the data that exists in the production system.

The IRIS system in both test and production are in a mirror arrangement

Can the refresh be done by doing a backup on the production system and restore the same backup to test?

Could the refresh be customised so that certain databases can be excluded?

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I have this IRIS server, NODE1. NODE1 is a Linux server running IRIS.

To connect to IRIS on this server I:

From my PC ssh (via putty) to NODE1

From the putty session, I, "iris session <iris instance>"

I was hoping to use iristerm on my PC:

I put NODE1 into IRIS Server Manager

From my PC, I, "iristerm /server=NODE1"

I get this error message:

"TCP connect() failed"

How to get this to work?

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I have refreshed my TEST system database from my DR box.

TEST consists of 2 linux servers TEST_NODE1 & TEST_NODE2 which are mirrored as PRIMARY failover and BACKUP failover

This is what I've done:

1. Remove TEST_NODE2 as Backup member using do ^MIRROR

2. Remove TEST_NODE1 mirror configuration using SMP (System Management Portal) GUI


4. Copy files IRIS.DAT from DR to TEST_NODE1

5. Start IRIS on TEST_NODE1

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I trying to find out the procedure to kill off a currently printing Cache job.

The user wants to cancel the job as they put the wrong start date. The start date was set to be generated from the default date of 1 Jan 1900.

As the start date was such a long time ago, the report generation would take a long time.

I think the printing uses this "production" on the print server:


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· Mar 13, 2023
IRIS Production - What it is?


In some of the trakCare screens there is term "Production" shown [Interoperability->Production Configuration]
What is a production?

The production I'm looking at, is related to a Gateway.

What is a definition of a Gateway? How is this different to an Interface?

Under Gateway Production, there are "Services", "Processes", "Operations".

How are these defined to be?

I have 3 services, each with a green dot.

I have 3 processes , each with a green dot.

I have 5 operations, 4 of which has a green dot and one red dot.

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· Feb 13, 2023
IRIS mirror - arbiter status


I have a IRIS mirror set

. all running on SUSE Linux

. each on a separate server

consisting of




My arbiter is the ISCagent.



Is there a Linux command showing me the status of the ISCagent as arbiter?

The systemctl service command below shows if the service is running but not if it is acting correctly as an arbiter.

I'm looking for a command like iris list which you can run on the Primary or Backup


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· Feb 6, 2023
irissqlcli install


I'd like to try out irissqlcli.

My server, that has IRIS installed on it, is SUSE (SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP1).

How do install this product from GitHub? Detailed instructions would be great!

It would be best if I can download the software from GitHub and then get pip to install from that downloaded file repo.

The recommended:

pip install -U irissqlcli

does not work and comes back with "

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Is there a way of printing out information about IRIS.DAT file eg. database name?

The reason is that I've "refreshed" TEST system from LIVE system and I'm not sure I've the copied the correct file to the correct place

on the file tree. The file tree structure shows the database that IRIS.DAT represents.

eg. /db/HMF/IRIS.DAT should be the HMF database

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I have the following servers in IRIS mirror set:
Arbiter; isc_agent only
LIVETC01; IRIS DB full install; Primary
LIVETC02; IRIS DB full install; Backup

A couple of days ago IRIS hung.
The application using LIVETC01 DB stopped functioning.

I'm trying to find out the sequence of events leading up to the failure.

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· Dec 20, 2022
TrakCare iprint


I'm trying to configure iprint for trakcare.

My trakcare runs on linux IRIS(SUSE).

iprint is from MicroFocus [previously Novell]

iprint is a print facility that many printers support where there is a virtual queue for each AD user.

You can log onto any iprint printer using your AD credentials and you can access your virtual print queue. You can then physical print from that virtual queue.

Has anyone configured this for their trakcare?
In order to do this I need to:
- map each trakcare user to their equivalent AD user

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