Thanks. That seems to have done the trick.

The field separator appears to be \x01. However there is smattering of 

Not sure why there are these hex characters?

Thanks to everybody's suggestions.
I fixed it this way:

I removed TEST_NODE2 as a failover member
I removed TEST_NODE1 mirror configuration
I removed all the journals as DB files IRIS.DAT are identical
I started IRIS on  TEST_NODE1 then  TEST_NODE2 
I configured the mirror on TEST_NODE1
I configured TEST_NODE2 as a failover member
Now Mirror Monitor in SMP[System Management Portal] GUI is showing no errors

Thanks to everyone for their great feedback!!

I think I used the wrong term - by "gateway" I should have used "productions"

[In System Management Portal (SMP) , GUI menu "Interoperability"-> "Configure" -> "Production"]

By "interfaces" - In IRIS command line you can run do ^SSADMIN, which has "6. Interfacing" which when selected gives me a list of "interfaces".

What is the difference between "productions" that connect systems and "interfaces" which also appear to connect systems?