What locale are you using? I use "rusw".

Try to do the following in SMP:

update MSDS_Serenity.KitlabelAssoc set PackingTimeSpent=35000 where label='00007IT4'



  %odbcout(PackingTimeSpent)  ptsODBC

from MSDS_Serenity.KitlabelAssoc where label='00007IT4'

What are your results?

I have the following displayed (for DISPLAY mode):

PackingTimeSpent = 09:43:20
ptsLOGICAL = 35000
ptsDISPLAY = 09:43:20
ptsODBC = 09:43:20
Notes on Indices Defined in Classes
When working with indices in class definitions, here are some points to keep in mind:

• Index definitions are only inherited from the primary (first) superclass.
• ...
Simple sample
having the field defined as integer would allow selecting avg but running a query in my Zen page wouldn’t show me a time format

If you the field is defined as %Integer or %String, then this is incorrect. The field type must be %Time. In this case, a time will be stored in the database as number, and the query will display the time as a string.

Here is a small example:

select 166 seconds,%external(cast(+166.5 as TIME)) "avg"


seconds = 166
avg = 00:02:46
Simple sample

By default, data in the global is stored as


The total size of the string cannot exceed 3641144. Therefore, if you have a field length >3.6E6, and there are several such fields, the limit is exceeded. To work around this, you need to change storage for your class.

For example so:

Simple example

I'm not sure if it's %Text at all.

Made a small example:

Class dc.test Extends %Persistent

Index mySimilarityIndex On SettingsJSON(KEYS) [ Data = SettingsJSON(ELEMENTS) ];

Property SettingsJSON As %Text(LANGUAGECLASS "%Text.English"MAXLEN 3600000SIMILARITYINDEX "mySimilarityIndex");

ClassMethod Test()
  json=$tr($j("",3600000)," ","0")
  &sql(insert into del.t(SettingsJSONvalues(:json))
  w $l(json),":",SQLCODE



Class dc.test Extends %Persistent

Property As %Integer;

ClassMethod Test()


  &sql(insert into dc.test(Fvalues(22))
  &sql(insert into dc.test(Fvalues(11))

  label "00007I0Q"
  &sql(select ID into :cnt from dc.test where ID :label)


Output for Caché 2018.1:


Output for IRIS 2021.2:


PS: it is a pity that my answer was ignored.

Any event that occurs outside of the modal group (such as a mouse click) automatically hides the modal groupproof.

Use Popup windows with modal=yes or Dialogs.

PS: if you really need to use "Model Groups", then you need to do two things for this:

  1. override the method onCanEndModalHandler
  2. override the method hideGroup(). This is necessary to prohibit the close button in the upper right corner
Here is a small variant: