See Defining Custom Class Queries

Example of a stored procedure

The result of calling a stored procedure in the Management Portal:

SELECT * FROM dc.Intervals({ts '2024-01-01 10:00:00'},{ts '2024-01-01 11:00:00'},15)
Display/ODBC Mode
intStart intEnd
2024-01-01 10:00:00 2024-01-01 10:14:59.999999
2024-01-01 10:15:00 2024-01-01 10:29:59.999999
2024-01-01 10:30:00 2024-01-01 10:44:59.999999
2024-01-01 10:45:00 2024-01-01 11:00:00.000000

Logical Mode

intStart intEnd
1154625607806846976 1154625608706846975
1154625608706846976 1154625609606846975
1154625609606846976 1154625610506846975
1154625610506846976 1154625611406846976

Accordingly, your query needs to be rewritten, for example:

COALESCE((SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN value_after_changing 'GENERATE' THEN ELSE ENDFROM service_log WHERE id = 11 AND created_at BETWEEN intStart AND intEnd), 0) generatedCount,
COALESCE((SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN value_after_changing 'FINISH' THEN ELSE ENDFROM service_log WHERE id = 11 AND created_at BETWEEN intStart AND intEnd), 0) finishedCount,
COALESCE((SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN value_after_changing 'DROPOUT' THEN ELSE ENDFROM service_log WHERE id = 11 AND created_at BETWEEN intStart AND intEnd), 0) dropoutCount,
COALESCE((SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN value_after_changing 'CANCEL' THEN ELSE ENDFROM service_log WHERE id = 11 AND created_at BETWEEN intStart AND intEnd), 0) cancelledCount
FROM dc.Intervals({ts '2024-01-01 10:00:00'},{ts '2024-01-01 11:00:00'},15)

You can convert a list to a string (and vice versa), regardless of the number of nestings. Unfortunately, I can't test this code for Caché 5.x, but I think it should work.
Here is a small example of searching for a string in a list:

#include %systemInclude

 s list=$lb(
   "searching unknown strings here is a very long piece with enough characters to get a lowercase alpha as a $list marker",
     "nested list",
     "did you see that ""w"" before the third piece?",
     "Stuart Strickland",
     "Yaron Munz")
 'overflow {
   ;s @("LIST="_str) zw LIST

Result: 162

The problem can be solved in two ways:

  1. use OPTIONS="popup,sortbox"
  2. make a correction to the %CSP.PageLookup
    Write "&nbsp;<a href=""javascript:searchSort("_..QuoteJS(value)_");"" title=""Sort Results by "_alias_""">"
    Write "&nbsp;<a href=""javascript:searchSort("_i_");"" title=""Sort Results by "_alias_""">"

In both case, the query will take the form "ORDER BY <the ordinal number of the field>", instead of "ORDER BY <field name>"

One of the possible options:

ClassMethod odbcTest() As %Integer ReturnResultsetsSqlName PersonSets2SqlProc ]
  #dim %sqlcontext As %ProcedureContext
  if '$isobject($Get(%sqlcontext)) set %sqlcontext ##class(%ProcedureContext).%New() } 

  tReturn = 0

  sc=conn.Connect("TEST Samples","_system","SYS"//datasource
  if $$$ISOK(sc{
    conn.Prepare(h1,"select name,dob,spouse from sample.person where name %STARTSWITH 'A'")
    conn.Prepare(h2,"select name,age,home_city,home_state from sample.person where home_state = 'MA'")
    tReturn = 1
    %sqlcontext.%SQLCODE sqlcode%sqlcontext.%Message msg


SAMPLES>##class(%SQL.Statement).%ExecDirect(,"call Sample.PersonSets2()").%Display()

Surely there is a way to make it even easier.

  (IN Specno VARCHAR(50))

If $Get(%sqlcontext)'=$$$NULLOREF Set %sqlcontext.%SQLCODE=SQLCODE,%sqlcontext.%ROWCOUNT=%ROWCOUNT

If $Get(%sqlcontext)'=$$$NULLOREF Set %sqlcontext.%SQLCODE=SQLCODE,%sqlcontext.%ROWCOUNT=%ROWCOUNT
#include %occInclude


alg="RSA-OAEP","A256KW","A256CBC-HS512","A256GCM" {
  alg," = ",$s(algInfo'="":algInfo.%ToJSON(),1:$system.Status.GetErrorText($$$ERROR($$$UnsupportedJOSEAlg,alg))),!


RSA-OAEP = {"alg":"RSA-OAEP","kty":"RSA","use":"enc","key_ops":["wrapKey","unwrapKey"],"keysize":2048,"hashsize":0}
A256KW = {"alg":"A256KW","kty":"oct","use":"enc","key_ops":["wrapKey","unwrapKey"],"keysize":256,"hashsize":0}
A256CBC-HS512 = {"alg":"A256CBC-HS512","kty":"oct","use":"enc","key_ops":["encrypt","decrypt"],"keysize":256,"hashsize":512}
A256GCM = Error #9723: Unsupported JOSE algorithm: A256GCM

Since this algorithm is not supported, it remains either to try to modify the GetAlgInfo method or to work directly with the OpenSSL library or similar.

Try working directly with the private key file, for example:

#include %msql

myString  "text to sign"
signedTxt ##class(%SYSTEM.Encryption).RSASHASign(256, $zcvt(myString,"O","UTF8"), privateKey)
zw signedTxt

This code works for me.

Is there any harm in putting in a massive number into the len parameter of the Read() method?

You cannot read more than 3641144 characters from a stream to a string, as this is the limit for long strings: String Length Limit

From the documentation for the Read() method:

If no len is passed in, ie. 'Read()' then it is up to the Read implementation as to
how much data to return. Some stream classes use this to optimize the amount of
data returned to align this with the underlying storage of the stream.

So you can write like this:
Set inMsg %request.Content.Read($$$MaxLocalLength)

Macros are defined in

#define MaxStringLength 3641144
#define MaxLocalLength $zutil(96,39)

It is necessary to take into account the following points:

  • according to the documentation should be
    // add the columns to export
    Do mgr.ColumnNames.Insert("Closed")
    Do mgr.ColumnTypes.Insert("N")
    Do mgr.ColumnNames.Insert("DocumentType")
    Do mgr.ColumnTypes.Insert("S")
    Do mgr.ColumnNames.Insert("StatusCode")
    Do mgr.ColumnTypes.Insert("N")
    Do mgr.ColumnNames.Insert("StatusLastUpdated")
    Do mgr.ColumnTypes.Insert("TS")
  • StringQuote only affects when escaping the corresponding characters, for example:
    • Set mgr.StringQuote $c(34) // double quotes
      a"b -> "a""b"
    • Set mgr.StringQuote $c(39) // '
      a'b -> 'a''b'
  • DateFormat and TimeFormat are applicable only for fields of type D and T, respectively, but you have a field of type TS
  • TimeStampFormat is applicable only for import, but not for export

It is not entirely clear that you are using Caché or IRIS 2021.1:


I have two tables: one a local table using cache and the other is via an SQL gateway..

Product version: IRIS 2021.1

The presence/absence of restrictions on the execution of heterogeneous queries depends on this:

There is a faster way without opening the object:

Class dc.test Extends %Persistent

ClassMethod Test()
  w $$$defMemberKeyGet(classname,$$$cCLASSstorage,storagename,$$$cSDEFdatalocation)

Storage Default
<Data name="testDefaultData">
<Value name="1">


