You might find it interesting to download the Community Edition <..> and see if the bugs you reported are still present there or not. What do you think about that approach?

<..> we still create an SU version of Caché <..> because some of our large partners/APs rely on it for people to learn on <..>

I have already written that, as well as your large partners/APs who prefer to stay on Caché, IRIS does not interest me in this case.
Why would I check something that I won't be using in the foreseeable future, even if there are fixes there?

And yes, for the sake of hobby, I have been using IRIS CE for a long time.

Hi Jeffrey.

By far the vast majority of users that want Caché are existing customers - so you can get this easily through the WRC.

I have indicated why I already can't get Caché now, even the SU version:

<..>, until the technical support ended.
<..> in future versions of Caché, which I can no longer check.

you could download the Community Edition of InterSystems IRIS and just install Studio from that if you wish

That's exactly what I'm doing now. But agree, downloading hundreds of megabytes for the sake of Studio and drivers is inefficient.

Also, is there a reason you want the SingleUser version of Caché rather than the InterSystems IRIS Community Edition

IRIS does not interest me in this case.
Over the years I have "tormented" WRC about the bugs I found in Caché (in some way I acted as a free beta tester), until the technical support ended.
Some fixes at that time were included only in future versions of Caché , which I can no longer check. I would be interested to check out these fixes on the free version.

Maybe there are other reasons why there is still a single-user version of Caché, especially only for those who already have a full-featured version, but for me they are not obvious.

I decided to check the size of the code using an officially allowed method.

ClassMethod length(
  class = {$classname()},
  method "Solve"As %Integer CodeMode = expression ]


size = 46 (43)

ClassMethod Solve(As %StringAs %Integer
 f  s c=$p(o,",",$i(i)) q:'$lf($lfs(o),-c) c

size = 48 (45)

ClassMethod Solve(As %StringAs %Integer
 f  s c=$p(o,",",$i(i)) ret:'$lf($lfs(o),-cc

Given (IRIS 2021.2):

Class fixxer.decars Extends %Persistent DdlAllowedSqlRowIdName UniqueIdentifier ]

Index iUnq On (brand, MaxSpeed, color) [ IdKeyPrimaryKeyUnique ];
Property brand [ SqlColumnNumber = 2 ];
Property MaxSpeed;
Property color;

USER>d $system.SQL.Shell()
SQL Command Line Shell
The command prefix is currently set to: >.
Enter , 'q' to quit, '?' for help.
[SQL]USER>>select * from fixxer.decars
1.      select * from fixxer.decars
UniqueIdentifier        brand   MaxSpeed        color
0 Rows(s) Affected
statement prepare time(s)/globals/cmds/disk: 0.0020s/5/140/0ms
          execute time(s)/globals/cmds/disk: 0.0004s/1/719/0ms
                          cached query class: %sqlcq.TEST.cls4
[SQL]USER>>alter table fixxer.decars alter column color rename color2
2.      alter table fixxer.decars alter column color rename color2
0 Rows Affected
statement prepare time(s)/globals/cmds/disk: 0.0153s/2 113/13 157/0ms
          execute time(s)/globals/cmds/disk: 0.1492s/52 206/467 790/0ms
                          cached query class: %sqlcq.TEST.cls5
[SQL]USER>>select * from fixxer.decars
3.      select * from fixxer.decars
UniqueIdentifier        brand   MaxSpeed        COLOR2
0 Rows(s) Affected
statement prepare time(s)/globals/cmds/disk: 0.0741s/38 529/179 560/0ms
          execute time(s)/globals/cmds/disk: 0.0003s/1/719/0ms
                          cached query class: %sqlcq.TEST.cls4


Class fixxer.decars Extends %Persistent DdlAllowedSqlRowIdName UniqueIdentifier ]

Index iUnq On (brand, MaxSpeed, color) [ IdKeyPrimaryKeyUnique ];
Property brand [ SqlColumnNumber = 2 ];
Property MaxSpeed;
Property color [ SqlFieldName COLOR2 ];


PS: by the way Studio highlights the error in the following code

&sql(alter table fixxer.decars alter column color rename color2)

But the compilation goes without errors.