Simple test
Stream2BytesArray1 len(r)=25488008 time=.752708 s.
Stream2BytesArray2 len(r)=25488008 time=.14895 s.
Stream2BytesArray3 len(r)=25488008 time=.080003 s.

The numbers speak for themselves.

Judging by this code, I probably did not fully understand the conditions of the task.

  1. the source code of the method = " i=0,27,0:1:94 %code.Write($c(i+32))
    ", size = 42
  2. the following characters are not found in the source code of the method:
  3. the method should print the characters from point 2
  4. I did not find it in the task conditions [CodeMode = objectgenerator]

Where did I go wrong?

I would like to draw your attention to a number of points:

  • this code will work correctly only when the compilation flag "k" is enabled, otherwise $TEXT will not return anything.

    k - Keep source. When this flag is set, source code of
    generated routines will be kept.

  • this code will not work correctly in Caché, because there the label name will be "zascii", non "ascii"
  • if you look at the generated INT code, you can see the "}" character at the end, which will return $t(ascii+1), which will lead to an incorrect result
    ascii() methodimpl {
     i=32:1:126 w:$t(ascii+1)'[$c(i) *}


You need first convert the formatted date and time string to a standard timestamp. Unfortunately, the built-in TO_TIMESTAMP function is not suitable for your case.
Next, you need determine whether the time zone will be taken into account or not.

For tests, you can use / (ISO 8601 section).

Here is a small example:

Class dc.test Extends %RegisteredObject

ClassMethod ISO2TS(
  strISO As %String,
  withTZ As %Boolean 0As %TimeStamp SqlProc ]
  q $s(withTZ:##class(%UTC).ConvertUTCtoLocal(tsUTC),1:tsUTC)

ClassMethod Test()
   s="2024-06-23T06:03:00Z","2024-06-23T06:03:00-02:45" {

     w $$$FormatText("ISO 8601 = %2%1Date Time (UTC) = %3%1Date Time (your time zone) = %4%1",$$$NL,iso,utc,tz),!


Result (for me):

ISO 8601 = 2024-06-23T06:03:00Z
Date Time (UTC) = 2024-06-23 06:03:00
Date Time (your time zone) = 2024-06-23 09:03:00.000
ISO 8601 = 2024-06-23T06:03:00-02:45
Date Time (UTC) = 2024-06-23 08:48:00
Date Time (your time zone) = 2024-06-23 11:48:00.000

Using via SQL:

  {fn HOUR(ts)} "HOUR",
  {fn MINUTE(ts)} "MINUTE",
  {fn SECOND(ts)} "SECOND"
FROM (SELECT dc.test_ISO2TS('2024-06-23T06:03:00Z',0) ts)
Try this example