Did a little test:

Class dc.test Abstract ]

ClassMethod GetObjectFieldValue(
  pObject As %DynamicAbstractObject,
  pField As %StringAs %String
  quit:pObject="" ""
  quit:pField="" "" set tResponse=""
  set tResponse pObject.%Get(pField)
  return tResponse

ClassMethod Test()
    "assignedto""jdoe01 STAFF",
    "description""patient case - first123",




I wrote a small test on VBS, but you can easily redo this code for your language. For details on working with streams for ADO, see the documentation.

Code on Visual Basic Script

In my opinion, the documentation clearly explains the characteristics of such a property and its purpose, for example:

  • To specify that this property has the characteristics of a multidimensional array
  • That is, the property is also automatically Transient.
  • Multidimensional properties are rare but provide a useful way to temporarily contain information about the state of an object.
  (IN Specno VARCHAR(50))

If $Get(%sqlcontext)'=$$$NULLOREF Set %sqlcontext.%SQLCODE=SQLCODE,%sqlcontext.%ROWCOUNT=%ROWCOUNT

If $Get(%sqlcontext)'=$$$NULLOREF Set %sqlcontext.%SQLCODE=SQLCODE,%sqlcontext.%ROWCOUNT=%ROWCOUNT
#include %occInclude


alg="RSA-OAEP","A256KW","A256CBC-HS512","A256GCM" {
  alg," = ",$s(algInfo'="":algInfo.%ToJSON(),1:$system.Status.GetErrorText($$$ERROR($$$UnsupportedJOSEAlg,alg))),!


RSA-OAEP = {"alg":"RSA-OAEP","kty":"RSA","use":"enc","key_ops":["wrapKey","unwrapKey"],"keysize":2048,"hashsize":0}
A256KW = {"alg":"A256KW","kty":"oct","use":"enc","key_ops":["wrapKey","unwrapKey"],"keysize":256,"hashsize":0}
A256CBC-HS512 = {"alg":"A256CBC-HS512","kty":"oct","use":"enc","key_ops":["encrypt","decrypt"],"keysize":256,"hashsize":512}
A256GCM = Error #9723: Unsupported JOSE algorithm: A256GCM

Since this algorithm is not supported, it remains either to try to modify the GetAlgInfo method or to work directly with the OpenSSL library or similar.

Try working directly with the private key file, for example:

#include %msql

myString  "text to sign"
signedTxt ##class(%SYSTEM.Encryption).RSASHASign(256, $zcvt(myString,"O","UTF8"), privateKey)
zw signedTxt

This code works for me.

There are a couple of points:

  • could you please publish the source code of the class, and not the SQL script? The fact is that the command
    creates a regular index, not a bitmap index as expected. I'm afraid my code may not match yours.
  • I created a test class with test data on Caché 2018.x and IRIS 2023.1FT and I have your query executed very quickly. Details below.

Generating 6000000 records

explain select count(distinct by(VISIT_SERIAL_NO,HQ_ORG_CODE) 1) from ST_SEARCH_VISIT

      select count(distinct by(VISIT_SERIAL_NO,HQ_ORG_CODE) 1) from ST_SEARCH_VISIT /*#OPTIONS {"DynamicSQL":1} */
    <cost value="29794316"/>
    Call module B. Output the row.
    <module name="B" top="1">
      Read index map ST_SEARCH_VISIT.IdxVisitorg, looping on %SQLUPPER(VISIT_SERIAL_NO), %SQLUPPER(HQ_ORG_CODE), and ID. For each row: Check distinct values for %SQLUPPER(HQ_ORG_CODE) and %SQLUPPER(VISIT_SERIAL_NO) using a temp-file. For each distinct row: Accumulate the count([value]).

select count(distinct by(VISIT_SERIAL_NO,HQ_ORG_CODE) 1) from ST_SEARCH_VISIT

Row count: 1 Performance: 2.8704 seconds 6003078 global references 36016391 lines executed

explain select count(1) from (select distinct by (VISIT_SERIAL_NO,HQ_ORG_CODE) VISIT_SERIAL_NO,HQ_ORG_CODE  from ST_SEARCH_VISIT)

      select count(1) from (select distinct by (VISIT_SERIAL_NO,HQ_ORG_CODE) VISIT_SERIAL_NO,HQ_ORG_CODE from ST_SEARCH_VISIT) /*#OPTIONS {"DynamicSQL":1} */
    <cost value="21000"/>
    Call module B. Output the row.
    <module name="B" top="1">
      Read index map ST_SEARCH_VISIT.IdxVisitorg, looping on %SQLUPPER(VISIT_SERIAL_NO) and %SQLUPPER(HQ_ORG_CODE). For each row: Call module I. Accumulate the count([value]).
    <module name="I" top="1">
      Read index map ST_SEARCH_VISIT.IdxVisitorg, using the given %SQLUPPER(VISIT_SERIAL_NO) and %SQLUPPER(HQ_ORG_CODE), and looping on ID. For each row: Accumulate the [value].

select count(1) from (select distinct by (VISIT_SERIAL_NO,HQ_ORG_CODE) VISIT_SERIAL_NO,HQ_ORG_CODE from ST_SEARCH_VISIT)

Row count: 1 Performance: 0.0269 seconds 3079 global references 17711 lines executed

Is there any harm in putting in a massive number into the len parameter of the Read() method?

You cannot read more than 3641144 characters from a stream to a string, as this is the limit for long strings: String Length Limit

From the documentation for the Read() method:

If no len is passed in, ie. 'Read()' then it is up to the Read implementation as to
how much data to return. Some stream classes use this to optimize the amount of
data returned to align this with the underlying storage of the stream.

So you can write like this:
Set inMsg %request.Content.Read($$$MaxLocalLength)

Macros are defined in %msql.inc:

#define MaxStringLength 3641144
#define MaxLocalLength $zutil(96,39)

See the answers here.

In addition there are a few comments:

there are a few comments:

  • you can write shorter:
    Property CarNumber As %String(TRUNCATE 1) [ SqlComputeCode = {{*}=$s(Clear:$$Decrypt({CAR_Number}),1:{CAR_Number})}, SqlComputedSqlFieldName CAR_Number ];
  • you can make a separate calculated field for the decrypted value, for example:
    Property CarNumber As %String(TRUNCATE 1) [ SqlFieldName CAR_Number ];
    Property CarNumberDecr As %String(TRUNCATE 1) [ CalculatedSqlComputeCode = {{*}=$s(Clear:$$Decrypt({CAR_Number}),1:{CAR_Number})}, SqlComputedSqlFieldName CAR_NumberDecr ];
  • where do you get the value of the Clear variable (see above)?
  • you can create your own data type for encrypted strings and override the corresponding methods there: How Data Type Classes Work

    In this case, you will not have to clutter up your queries with unnecessary encryption/decryption operations.