One of the possible options:

ClassMethod odbcTest() As %Integer ReturnResultsetsSqlName PersonSets2SqlProc ]
  #dim %sqlcontext As %ProcedureContext
  if '$isobject($Get(%sqlcontext)) set %sqlcontext ##class(%ProcedureContext).%New() } 

  tReturn = 0

  sc=conn.Connect("TEST Samples","_system","SYS"//datasource
  if $$$ISOK(sc{
    conn.Prepare(h1,"select name,dob,spouse from sample.person where name %STARTSWITH 'A'")
    conn.Prepare(h2,"select name,age,home_city,home_state from sample.person where home_state = 'MA'")
    tReturn = 1
    %sqlcontext.%SQLCODE sqlcode%sqlcontext.%Message msg


SAMPLES>##class(%SQL.Statement).%ExecDirect(,"call Sample.PersonSets2()").%Display()

Surely there is a way to make it even easier.

It's clearer now, this is the tricks of Excel, which convert the string 01022000 to the number 1022000.
In your case, try changing the cell type from General to Text.

PS: when generating Excel reports, I use the Date cell type (short format DD.MM.YYYY), and from Caché/IRIS I return the %Date type.
The components that I use already know how to translate the internal representation of the date 01.02.2000 from the Caché/IRIS format (58105) to Excel (36557) and vice versa.

Thanks for the comment. I tested only on the provided data. The second option requires improvement.

size = 72
size = 69
Query FilterBy(
  Name As %String "",
  Age As %Integer ""As %SQLQuery(CONTAINID 1SELECTMODE "RUNTIME") [ SqlName SP_Sample_Filter_BySqlProc ]
(:Name IS NULL or Name %STARTSWITH :Name)
(:Age IS NULL or Age >= :Age)
This kind of query ends up preventing Caché SQL compiler from optimizing using index based on each of the criteria made optional.

What is your conclusion based on?
If you check the plans of this query for different combinations of parameters, then the corresponding indexes are used (it is assumed that the table was previously configured via TuneTable).

select * from Sample.SP_Sample_Filter_By('s')

select * from Sample.SP_Sample_Filter_By(,47)

select * from Sample.SP_Sample_Filter_By('s',47)

SELECT TOP IDNameAgeSSN FROM %ALLINDEX Sample.Person WHERE  ('s' IS NULL or Name %STARTSWITH 's') AND (47 IS NULL or Age >= 47)

Did a little test:

Class dc.test Abstract ]

ClassMethod GetObjectFieldValue(
  pObject As %DynamicAbstractObject,
  pField As %StringAs %String
  quit:pObject="" ""
  quit:pField="" "" set tResponse=""
  set tResponse pObject.%Get(pField)
  return tResponse

ClassMethod Test()
    "assignedto""jdoe01 STAFF",
    "description""patient case - first123",




I wrote a small test on VBS, but you can easily redo this code for your language. For details on working with streams for ADO, see the documentation.

Code on Visual Basic Script

In my opinion, the documentation clearly explains the characteristics of such a property and its purpose, for example:

  • To specify that this property has the characteristics of a multidimensional array
  • That is, the property is also automatically Transient.
  • Multidimensional properties are rare but provide a useful way to temporarily contain information about the state of an object.