There are a couple of points:

  • what's wrong with users, roles, privileges, applications, etc.?
    1) User setup
    2) Role setup
    3) Service setup
    4) Resource setup
    5) Application setup
    6) Auditing setup
    8) SSL configuration setup
    9) Mobile phone service provider setup
    10) OpenAM Identity Services setup
    11) Encryption key setup
    12) System parameter setup
    13) X509 User setup
    14) KMIP server setup
    15) Exit
    Option? 12
    1) Edit system options
    2) Edit authentication options
    3) Edit LDAP options
    4) Display system options
    5) Export All Security settings
    6) Import All Security settings
    7) Exit
    Option? 5
    Export ALL security records? Yes => Yes
    Warning: Before importing SSL configurations into a different configuration
    the same certificate directories and certificate files must exist in
    the new configuration, otherwise the import will fail.
    Export to file name SecurityExport.xml =>
    Parameters? "WNS" =>
    Confirm export of selected security records to SecurityExport.xml? No => yes
    Exported x Application security records
    Exported x DocDB security records
    Exported x Event security records
    Exported x KMIPServer security records
    Exported x LDAPConfig security records
    Exported x OpenAMIdentityService security records
    Exported x PhoneProvider security records
    Exported x Resource security records
    Exported x Role security records
    Exported x SQLPrivileges security records
    Exported x SSLConfig security records
    Exported x Service security records
    Exported x System security records
    Exported x User security records
    Exported x X509Credential security records
    Exported x X509Users security records
    Export complete
    1) Edit system options
    2) Edit authentication options
    3) Edit LDAP options
    4) Display system options
    5) Export All Security settings
    6) Import All Security settings
    7) Exit
  • to transfer JDBC/ODBC settings, you can still use external tools, for example DbVisualizer or SQL Data Lens, where you can choose the data format (CSV, XML, JSON, Excel, etc.), the necessary fields and much more.

Did you copy/paste the query correctly here?

Select Books.nam,Books.print,Books.Relativename,Books.Firstpage,Books.Lastpage,Books.trn,Books.lastissue,

From SQLUser.Books Books

INNER JOIN SQLUser.Records Records ON
INNER JOIN SQLUser.OrderedBooks OrderBooks ON
INNER JOIN SQLUser.OrderedRecords OrderRecords ON
INNER JOIN SQLUser.Orders Orders ON

where ((Records.qw=OrderBooks.qw) and ( is null))

In addition to tuning tables, I would first look at the query plan and, accordingly, the indexes involved in it.

It is necessary to take into account the following points:

  • according to the documentation should be
    // add the columns to export
    Do mgr.ColumnNames.Insert("Closed")
    Do mgr.ColumnTypes.Insert("N")
    Do mgr.ColumnNames.Insert("DocumentType")
    Do mgr.ColumnTypes.Insert("S")
    Do mgr.ColumnNames.Insert("StatusCode")
    Do mgr.ColumnTypes.Insert("N")
    Do mgr.ColumnNames.Insert("StatusLastUpdated")
    Do mgr.ColumnTypes.Insert("TS")
  • StringQuote only affects when escaping the corresponding characters, for example:
    • Set mgr.StringQuote $c(34) // double quotes
      a"b -> "a""b"
    • Set mgr.StringQuote $c(39) // '
      a'b -> 'a''b'
  • DateFormat and TimeFormat are applicable only for fields of type D and T, respectively, but you have a field of type TS
  • TimeStampFormat is applicable only for import, but not for export

I'm looking at the output validation code, not Output, where there are no spaces at all on the right. It is a pity that there is confusion because of this!

Class codeGolf.test.Pyramid

I'll put in my five cents too.

Firstly, Apache for Windows is installed very easily: you just need to unpack the archive and, if necessary (this is done once), register the service.
Secondly, it is not difficult to find the Apache distribution for Windows, for example here: Apache Haus Downloads
Thirdly, I always remove PWS and use my own Apache, so I welcome removing PWS from the IRIS distribution

It is not entirely clear that you are using Caché or IRIS 2021.1:


I have two tables: one a local table using cache and the other is via an SQL gateway..

Product version: IRIS 2021.1

The presence/absence of restrictions on the execution of heterogeneous queries depends on this:

Have you looked at the type of fields in the metadata?
For me, the INTEGER type (4) is returned for ID, and the BIGINT type (-5) is returned for %ID.


SELECT idxyFROM some_table order by %id



What are the default values for AdaptiveMode, AllowRowIDUpdate, IdKeyCPF, PKEY_IS_IDKEY ?

Try disabling AdaptiveMode.

There is a faster way without opening the object:

Class dc.test Extends %Persistent

ClassMethod Test()
  w $$$defMemberKeyGet(classname,$$$cCLASSstorage,storagename,$$$cSDEFdatalocation)

Storage Default
<Data name="testDefaultData">
<Value name="1">


