Good Afternoon My InterSystems IRIS Peers,

I have the following issue that I need help with, I tried all possibilities that I know of, therefore I am reaching out to the community for some insight.

I have a SFTP service that pulling 2.5.1 DFT HL7 messages from our SFTP file server. The issue is that IRIS is transforming patients names and addresses that contain special chars UTF-8 to ANSI.


è = è
é = é
í = í- .......etc

0 7
0 1.1K

Hi Community,

I am trying to remove a duplicate OBX from a result, but I am running into some issues. Let me explain.

First I had a OBX where the observation Value had the blood type in it and the following OBX had the result in it.

The clients wants the blood type and the result in one field. therefore I merged / concatenated the observation values of the two OBX's.

I tried removing the OBX:2 but just cant take the whole segment out.

please see examples below

This is the result.

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0 597