These APIs appear to be synchronous, and therefore will not be usable in a standard production Node.js environment where all concurrent users coexist in the same physical process.

This is precisely the reason why QEWD was created - ie to allow the safe use of synchronous APIs, but, then again, if you use QEWD, you won't need or use the APIs described here

Take a look at QEWD:

This is a good place to start:
There are instructions on how to try it out with IRIS, but Cache is also supported (all versions)

Both REST APIs and interactive browser-base applications (and Native Mobile apps also) can be quickly and easily developed.  Security is built-in and it's all Open Source.

QEWD main repository:

See also QEWD-JSdb:

An update: the QEWD-baseline repository now also includes a fully-detailed tutorial on creating interactive, WebSocket-based browser applications

If you want a very rapid way to develop your IRIS applications using WebSockets, and where all your logic is written in JavaScript, and where your IRIS data is accessed as QEWD-JSdb multi-model persistent objects, this is the place to look.

For more info see:
and specifically:

By the way, the same techniques can be applied to Native Mobile application development

I guess I'd summarise the "so what?" about QEWD-JSdb as follows:

 The "conventional" approach to database thinking is that your data is "over there" somewhere in some strange and alien technology called a "database", which also forces a particular type of data model on you and via APIs or protocols you have to learn.  It tends to result in two types of developers: application developers who know a language, eg Node.js/JavaScript and build application logic,; and database developers who understand the black arts of data management but don't get their hands dirty with application development.

The key concept in QEWD-JSdb is that the underlying IRIS database is accessed as JavaScript Objects that happen to be on disk rather than in-memory, and can be modelled how I, the developer, wants to handle it - which may differ depending on how I want to deal with the same data. There's no "database", just JavaScript objects that happen to persist in IRIS by means that I neither know nor care about.  

That kind of concept may ring a bell with some older IRIS developers, but to a modern audience it's potentially mind-bending, radical stuff.  Perhaps so, but QEWD-JSdb now makes it possible in a modern Node.js / JavaScript setting.

I suspect, also, for many developers new to IRIS, it will demonstrate ways of using its underlying physical storage that they never realised were possible.

If that's piqued your interest and you have 5 minutes spare, that's literally all it will take to have it up and running and ready to play with.  The browser-based viewer application will give you a real-time view of the IRIS database items you're playing with and how they change as you use QEWD-JSdb, so it's all "instant gratification!" and lots of (hopefully jaw-dropping) fun. 

Just the thing for long, dark winter evenings by the fire-side :-)

You might want to take a look at QEWD?  See my recent posting in the article on the IRIS Community Edition for AWS

See also

For an example where it's being used in the NHS (in a pilot) with both desktop and mobile devices:


Since its earliest days, QEWD.js has supported WebSocket-based applications - with the WebSocket side of things all taken care of by Node.js (specifically using the module) rather than Cache/IRIS.

Now that it's quick and easy to try out QEWD with IRIS (by using my extensions for the IRIS Community Edition for AWS), you can see QEWD's Web-Sockets based applications for yourself - the QEWD-Monitor application is one that comes "out of the box" for you.  However, QEWD makes it very easy to create interactive browser/mobile Web-Socket based applications that integrate with IRIS.  See:

For information on getting QEWD running wih the IRIS Community Edition for AWS, see:

OK I seem to be on my own sorting this out...but I seem to have figured it all out.  I had to first adapt the changePassword utility to work on my derived Container, and once that was done I could use the System Management Portal - which showed me that the Callin Interface wasn't enabled.  Once I enabled that, QEWD burst into life :-)

So a question (if anyone out there is listening) - is there a configuration setting somewhere to enable the callin interface automatically when you start up the container, ie to avoid the need to manually enable it via the System Management Portal?

OK Two steps forward, one step back.

When I try to connect to IRIS via the iris.node file and use the function (from within the container) I get this error

{"ErrorMessage":"Authentication: IRISSecureStart() : Access Denied : Check the audit log for the real authentication error (-15)\n","ErrorCode":-15,"ok":0}

Any ideas what's causing it and how to fix this?
