This is one of those things that becomes dead easy when you use Node.js (and use QEWD to integrate Cache with Node).  There's almost always a tried and tested module out there already that will do the stuff you want, eg in this case:

And once in JSON format, you can transform it to whatever other JSON format you want using:

QEWD supports Cache Objects for those who wish to use them via the cache.node APIs for Cache Objects.:

Your handler logic (which runs in a QEWD Worker process) has access to these APIs via the "this.db" object, eg this.db.invoke_classmethod()

The following post is a bit old and refers to how you used these APIs in EWD.js.  However, change the invocation to and the examples should work in QEWD:!searchin/enterprise-web-developer-comm...

Personally I prefer to use the Cache database as a persistent JSON database / Document Database, via the ewd-document-store abstraction that is used by QEWD, and integrate that storage into JavaScript Objects.  But Cache Objects will work with QEWD and GraphQL just fine


As I release my code as Open Source, I've no idea of usage stats.  There's growing interest in the use of GraphQL in the community I work within these days, for all sorts of reasons.

QEWD is a re-badging of EWD 3, so yes, it is supported in QEWD - which of course is straightforward since QEWD is JavaScript/Node.js and can just use the Facebook JavaScript GraphQL module.

Just making the point that GraphQL and support for it in Cache isn't something new, as those who follow our work at M/Gateway will know :-)


The idea of connecting Node.js to Cache is to write your logic in JavaScript, except for where you need to invoke legacy code.  It makes little sense to invoke COS built-in functions such as $h via cache.node.

With that in mind, have you looked at QEWD.js, which makes the integration of Node.js and Cache very much simpler? See:

To expand the concept of using JavaScript rather than COS as the language for your logic, you might want to take a look at this:

The way I'd do this is to not do any JSON handling in Cache itself, but output the data into a temporary global whose structure reflected the desired JSON structure.  Then on the Node.js / QEWD side, point a DocumentNode object at the global and use its getDocument() method - that will generate a JS object containing your data.  Finally delete the global using the DocumentNode object's delete() method

The version of cache.node must match:

- the OS you're using (in your case 64-bit Windows)

- the version of Node.js you're using - you haven't specified that

Unfortunately InterSystems so far haven't done the sensible thing and publish cache.node in NPM, so you may or may not find that the versions of cache.node included with your Cache distribution support the version of Node.js you wish to use.

Let me repeat this, a programming language MUMPS-Cache objectscript with a built-in database. I think this is a fundamental aspect that they have been missing when others invented new programming languages. They are missing the innate common characteristic that both databases and programming languages share which is the pointer, reference based logic. So I believe it's time to return back and fix this for new generation databases AND post-modern programming languages too.

This is a core part of the QEWD.js project: to make JavaScript a first-class language for Global Storage databases - and therefore give JavaScript a built-in database.  

The cache.node module provides the high-performance in-process connection needed to allow the intimate relationship between JavaScript and the Cache database engine.  The ewd-document-store module aims to provide the JavaScript equivalent of the ^ in COS (ie blurring the distinction between in-memory and on-disk JavaScript objects). 

JavaScript's dynamic, schemaless objects are a perfect fit with the dynamic, schemaless nature of Global Storage, making it an ideal modern substitute language instead of COS.  

For more information see the online tutorial at  - specifically parts 17 - 27

I've now implemented the functionality for JSON Web Tokens and QEWD-based MicroServices.

All the detail is described in the following parts of the Online Course:


If you're just getting started with QEWD. t's a good idea to understand how to use it as a straightforward REST Server first:

As you'll see once you start to delve into these tutorials, this is a very powerful technology, aimed at delivering massively scalable, high-performance, highly-secure distributed and federated solutions - all available today for your Cache-based applications today with Open Source software.


As a reminder to anyone new to QEWD: an introduction on the thinking and architecture behind QEWD:

For an overview of the whys and hows of QEWD's JWT and MicroService Architecture:

By the way, using cache.node as the interface gives the benefit of a high-performance in-process connection to Cache from JavaScript - significantly faster than using a networked connection, as it connects at a very low-level directly into the core global engine via Cache's C-based call-in interface.  

There's still currently a limitation however, due to a V8 API bottleneck, described here:

My simple experiments comparing Global access performance via native COS versus cache.node and JavaScript show that connecting from Node.js via cache.node provides only about 10% of native COS performance - so a 90% performance reduction, apparently all due to this V8 bottleneck!  Nevertheless, my comparisons of MongoDB performance versus using Globals as a document database show that MongoDB is only relatively slightly faster.

If this V8 API problem was fixed, then access to Cache via cache.node would be as fast as using native COS.  The outcome, if my experimentation has been correct, would be that MongoDB would be significantly out-performed by Cache as a document database.  Additionally, my prediction would be that your MongoDB emulation could also outperform the real thing too - a rather interesting and somewhat startling result if true.

I would love to see this V8 bottleneck resolved.  I wonder if there's anyone in this community that could take on that challenge, or perhaps knows someone with the skills to take it on?  I think a lot of people would sit up and take notice of what could become the fastest Node.js-connected NoSQL database on the planet.


> The Caché Node.js driver could not access Caché classes, but could make program calls from Caché. This fact resulted in the

>creation of a small tool - a kind of bridge between the driver and Caché classes.

This is incorrect - cache.node can access Cache Objects. See:


Also take a look at this:

as an alternative MongoDB interface

You miss the point - Node.js / JavaScript is now one of the most used back-ends / languages.  By comparison, COS is almost unknown in the IT mainstream.  Sure, you can do everything in COS, but to do so, you need to learn COS.  If you have to learn COS to use Cache, most people in IT won't use it as the back-end to web applications.

Write your apps the way Ward suggests, and  you open up Cache to a massively bigger audience, and you can also recruit JavaScript guys to do the back-end development, without them having to learn COS, but they get all the benefits of the database.

Regarding performance, see my last comment for this article:

and see for yourself - look at the browser console network logs and look at the X-ResponseTime response header values to see the back-end response time using Node.js + Cache - here's the demo link:

Suggestion - put together a COS/CSP version of the RealWorld Conduit back-end and see how it performs by comparison, so you get an apples v apples comparison