Question Lucas Galdino · Apr 28 <NOROUTINE>zExternalFreeze Dear experts, I'm using a test enviroment to test freeze & thaw scripts on windows. I executed command: ..\bin\cache -s. -U%%SYS ##Class(Backup.General).ExternalFreeze() then was saved log in cconsole: #Backup #Caché 0 1 0 96
Question Lucas Galdino · Jan 6 ERROR #7602: how can I exported? Dear experts, I'm trying exported a project from version '2012.5' to '2018.1.4' but is returning ERROR #7602.Please, could you help me. How can I do it?Below is steps that I did: #Data Import and Export #Caché 0 3 0 138
Question Lucas Galdino · Oct 26, 2023 doubt about CACHE.WIJ behavior I'm dealing with a situation that leaves in doubt what I understand about CACHE.WIJ (C:\Roche\CobasInfinity\HealthShare\mgr).. Journal files store records already written to the base.. and CACHE.WIJ records not yet written to the base..theoretically, the data contained in CACHE.WIJ is temporary... until the record is written to the base (consequently generating journal). #Caché 0 4 0 269
Question Lucas Galdino · Jun 23, 2023 best pratices to configure gmheap and locksiz Dear experts, Please, what's best prasctices to setup and configure gmheap and locksiz parameters? Thank you so much! #Caché 0 2 0 353
Question Lucas Galdino · Jun 2, 2023 Estimated Completion Time for Backups and Restores Dear experts, Please, how can I estimated completion time for backups and restores. Is there a script to run and estimated that time?Thank you so much. #Backup #Databases #Caché 0 1 0 158
Question Lucas Galdino · Apr 27, 2023 import global (2012.5 to 2018.1.4) Dear experts,Please, could you help me? Im trying import a global: ACB> K ^GlobalManualSendACB> D $System.OBJ.Load("C:\Users\BNAPC\GlobalManualSend.xml")ACB> Set sc = ##class(%Studio.Project).InstallFromGbl("^GlobalManualSend","fv") But is returning a error about version: Please, could you help me about it? Thank you. #Globals #Caché 0 5 0 259
Question Lucas Galdino · Jan 31, 2022 cconsole: Error: <DIRECTORY>SYSTEM+4^%ZSTART Dear experts,Can you give tips to solve this issue? When I try start cache is recording this error message in cconsole.log: 01/31/22-14:11:28:143 (4516) 3 Error: <DIRECTORY>SYSTEM+4^%ZSTART running %ZSTART - Logins are disabled I try acess terminal and management portal, but are disable because that error.I dont know how can I enable the logins. #Management Portal #Terminal #Caché 0 3 0 431
Question Lucas Galdino · Jan 18, 2022 Using the ^MONMGR Utility Hi everyone, Im trying configure the Caché Monitor Manager (^MONMGR) utility for send alert e-mails.Following the steps I have doubs to configure the options in "Set Server" to send e-mails for hotmail or outlook ( dont know how can I configure Mail server SSLConfiguration for hotmail or outlook.Could you give me help?Thank you! #Beginner #Monitoring #Terminal #Tools #Caché #InterSystems IRIS 0 2 0 416